The environment has been very hectic lately in POB, I think that in addition to being one more platform, it has become something unique and with great authenticity in the Hive ecosystem. But despite that, a lot is heading into pollution of the atmosphere for content creators.
Well, POB for many has been an Helping boat in the middle of the disaster, I have a lot to thank the platform and all the users who with persistence and work have made life on a daily basis. But, I am not blind and unfortunately I see in summary one or another paradox here. Many want peace but looking for it with a knife in hand is simply something impossible, peace individually or as a community is sought with more healthy communication, without a marked establishment in the territories of power; decisions and actions that revolve around solutions and common welfare.
But wait rather here is an environment stirred by whales, fighting to prove their power in the sea of POB content. Surely these have not thought about small fish, the turmoil of the waters does not do us good, they uncoordinate us.
Everything is so bizarre, so strange. I have been in several communities, but in none have I seen so much trouble. Maybe it's the discord, maybe the money at stake. Because it is no secret to anyone that POB is one of the few platforms with a real value token, a token that has remained at its worthy price.
equanimity is maintained and the waters no longer stir, but rather that the panorama settles and this brings huge benefits in general (perhaps more investors, more positive changes 🙌)And carrying with this, now I have seen that foreign whales (from the Hive ecosystem and not exactly those from POB), are wanting to put a magnifying glass and spoon - as they say in my town. Summarized by @azircon, you need to explore the general environment of POB before making an investment. From my point of view it seems like a normal event, since it is your money that will be at stake. We all want to know where every penny will go! I only hope that with this,
I believe at the same time, and in a very personal way, that due to issues of ego marked in some users of the community, everything has its origin in the fight and mistrust. In no context is that healthy, certainly speaking of interest money, there is that great margin of doubt. But I guess the best thing to do is try to run the party in peace.
scandalous, honestly it is unusual to see this in him, because since he has made his home in POB, he is always active publishing and claiming reasons, carrying the flag of his initiative . But, I cannot leave aside that he is a person, who perhaps needed his space for a renewal of energies (I hope you have).The strange disappearance of @calumam has become
If your disappearance was for that, I applaud you! It is not healthy for anyone to live in the dilemma of the fight. Taking care of emotions is so important.
@calumam now (just imagine):

True title of the publication:
Counting the words of the weeks, revolving around POB.
I had days wanting to call for peace in POB, it is not pleasant to lie down to read and see so many fights and problems of power and ego. But, seeing that @calumam "left free space in the word of the week"; I could not miss my opportunity to recount each of the words of the initiative and in turn relate them to the general context of POB today.
I am a small fish, perhaps my voice or my lyrics are not heard or read, but I only comply with throwing them here on the table. Finally for an ecosystem to function balanced, there must be small, medium and large fish (I see when I can Animal Planet!) 😉

If you read this far, thank you very much.
Thanks for your attention, kindly: Ana Pialejo, under my username: @pialejoana.
The text is my total authorship. If you have any inconsistencies, keep in mind that English is not my mother tongue, I use a Google translator.
The images are some collages made from the main image from @calumam's posts. Collages made with the Layapp application.
Versión en Español:
El ambiente ha estado muy agitado últimamente en POB, creo que además de ser una plataforma más, se ha vuelto algo único y con gran autenticidad en el ecosistema de Hive. Pero pese a eso, muchas cosas se están encaminando en una contaminación de la atmósfera para los creadores de contenido.
Bien, POB para muchos ha sido una barca Auxiliadora en medio del desastre, tengo mucho que agradecer a la plataforma y a todos los usuarios que con persistencia y trabajo han hecho vida en el día a día. Pero, no soy ciega y lamentablemente veo en resumen una que otra paradoja aquí. Muchos quieren la paz pero buscarla con cuchillo en mano simplemente es algo imposible, la paz individual o como comunidad se busca con más comunicación sana, sin un establecimiento marcado en los territorios de poder; decisiones y acciones que giren en torno a soluciones y bienestar común.
Pero, espera más bien aquí hay un ambiente revuelto por las ballenas, peleando por demostrar su poder en el mar de contenido de POB. Seguro que estos no han pensado en los peces pequeños, la revuelta de las aguas no nos hacen bien, nos descoordinan.
Todo es tan bizarro, tan extraño. He estado en varias comunidades, pero en ninguna había visto tanta problemática. Quizás sea la discordia, quizás el dinero que hay en juego. Porque para nadie es un secreto que POB es uno de las pocas plataformas con un token de valor real, un token que se ha mantenido en su precio digno.
ecuanimidad y no se revuelvan más las aguas, sino más bien que se asiente el panorama y esto traiga inmensos beneficios en general (quizás más inversores, más cambios positivos 🙌)Y acarreando con esto, ahora he visto que ballenas ajenas (de ecosistema Hive y no exactamente las de POB), están queriendo meter lupa y cuchara- como dicen en mi pueblo. Alega @azircon de manera resumida que necesita explorar el ambiente en general de POB antes de hacer una inversión. Desde mi punto de vista me parece un suceso normal, dado que es su dinero que estará en juego. Todos queremos saber a dónde irá a parar cada centavo!. Solo espero que con esto, se mantenga la
Creo a la vez, y de manera muy personal, que por cuestiones de ego marcado en algunos usuarios de la comunidad, todo haya tenido el origen en la pelea y desconfianza. En ningún contexto es sano eso, ciertamente hablando de dinero en intereses, hay ese gran margen de duda. Pero supongo que lo idóneo es tratar de llevar la fiesta en paz.
escandalosa, sinceramente es inusual ver esto en él, porque desde que ha hecho casa en POB, siempre se ve activo publicando y alegando razones, llevando la bandera de su iniciativa. Pero, no puedo dejar a un lado que es una persona, que quizás necesitaba su espacio para una renovación de energías (espero lo hayas hecho).La extraña desaparición de @calumam se ha vuelto
Si tu desaparición fue para eso, te aplaudo.! Para nadie es sano vivir en el dilema de la pelea. Cuidar emociones es tan importante.
@calumam ahora (solo imagino):

Título verdadero de la publicación:
Recuento de las palabras de las semanas, girando en torno a POB.
Tenía días queriendo llamar a la paz en POB, no es grato acostarme a leer y ver tantas peleas y problemas de poder y ego. Pero, viendo que @calumam "dejó espacio libre en la palabra de la semana"; no podía perder mi oportunidad de hacer un recuento con cada una de las palabras de la iniciativa y a su vez relacionarlas con el contexto general de POB actualmente.
Soy un pez pequeño, quizás mi voz o mis letras no sean oídas o leídas, pero solo cumplo con tirarlas aquí en la mesa. Finalmente para que un ecosistema funcione equilibradamente, deben haber peces pequeños, medianos y grandes (veo cuando puedo Animal Planet!) 😉

Si leíste hasta aquí, muchas gracias.
Gracias por su atención, atentamente: Ana Pialejo, bajo mi usuario de : @pialejoana.
El texto es de mi total autoría.
Las imágenes son algunos collages hechos de la imagen principal de las publicaciones de @calumam. Collages hechos con la aplicación Layapp.
Well when people have a lot of trust in their community they will do everything possible to keep their token stable.
They are right.! 😊
Para comenzar me encanta la palabra elegida para esta semana, es aplicable a todo ámbito de la vida ya sea personal, laboral, de los pises , del mundo y también en #Hive donde ciertamente he visto cosas que nos dejan boca abiertos y meditando, estare redactando mi publicación un gran abrazo y gracias por expresarte sin tapujos.
JJ. Realmente está palabra la elegí yo. Porque el director de la iniciativa no colocó nada. Yo elegí paz porque creo que POB lo necesita, esperemos que pasen tantas turbulencias y los caminos vuelvan a la limpieza. Gracias por tu lindo comentario, saludos. ! 💜
He disfrutado cada palabra, admirable la verdad. Te felicito.
Gracias, gracias.! 😊✨
Sweetheart, you're amazing I must confess
Counting up all the word of each week in the past, wording them into our current turmoils and more
But you missed something, I was hoping to see an exotic paragraph too
It would have been a perfect mix of everything 🥺
But this is great, notwithstanding, and since you decided to wrap it around peace, it is really cool
All the egos, that is distabilizing our peace on our beloved ecosystem should find a way to move away
For no matter what anyone says, POB will stand the test of time, just as every other token is
Who knows POB may beat and silence all her competition
Thanks thanks.! And yes, maybe the exotic would have provided a plus.! But honestly at the time I was writing, it didn't occur to me. 🤣🤣 And yes, POB has the potential to grow and support, new soles will come.
I am glad you agree
That was a good read, dear.
Nicely done.
Thank you.!
Divide and conquer only work on the weak minded. The brains here are stronger than that..
Certainly. Better directions are sure to appear!
Wow.. Nice one.
Thank you.!
Human beings are too complicated, this is why we can’t have nice things. I hope whatever discord’s are going on gets sorted out in time, let peace rain, there’s so much we can all do together
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're so right. And yes, I also hope that the dense air disappears. And if changes come, they are for common goods.!
Thanks for stopping by, greetings.
I hear you. I hope they get settled too. The potential expansion is great. I feel it could do well for both HIVE and POB.
I feel we're ok. Everyone needs a break now and again. It's important to renew your energies. I'll have mine soon and then back on the saddle to work on the roadmap along with other things.
A renewal of energies is always necessary. It is something that the soul needs ... I hope when you take your time, you enjoy it