As we look in the mirror, we could see a direct reflection of ourselves but when we go deeper, there is an inner feeling and emotion that silently views life with a little difference, and that is only figured out through comparison. I all agree with your inspiring words dear friend @dreemsteem .
Perhaps we may be similar in so many ways but in various aspects we are uniquely different. I greatly believe that through cultural difference, we could still have the chance to embrace unity as we respect each other through humility. Humility is key. When we know and learn how to be humble, we would be able to have a compassionate heart that is very willing to care for, love, and understand differences.
As what I always say that we are born to be imperfect, but that does not limit us to be humble at all times. The more we are humble in life, the more gracious we are in life, based on my personal opinion.
Despite the presence of people who are full of pride and sarcasm, what is more important is the chance to live freely with a humble heart. It always feels so good to treat others nicely despite a difference in culture. And that you are uniquely different with a humble heart my dear friend, @dreemsteem.
This is another beautiful and interesting content from you. Have a great day.
Hi sweet sister ❤️
I'm just about to log off for the night - hehe and before I did, I saw your lovely comment. Thank you for putting your heart into that and sharing it with me! You said it - humility. this is the key.
When we truly understand that (and I can't say that I fully do - but I want to!!!) the air around us changes! hehe I have been around people that are so beautiful to see because of their tender humility. it makes me just want to be in their presence!
not the fake humility that people wear like badges. But the stuff that radiates and warms. That is a real gift from God to have.
I hope you have such a lovely morning as I'm ending my evening. hehehe
Goodnight sweet sister!
I always enjoy reading your contents dear friend @dreemsteem as they are all written from a humble heart. Perhaps the pleasure is mine. Have a good night sleep. Good morning from my side. Keep safe and God bless your humble heart.