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RE: Scholarship Application to be a POB Artist

I'm very pleased that you entered your 3D art for a pobscholarship and I give special recognition to your timeliness. There is currently a scholarship for 1000 POB availiable.

Art is inspired and has a value in itself and this art also has a special value for Hive and the community:

As long as a user is willing to buy and HODL my NFT and attribute me as the artist I don't mind licensing my work to the user so they can have full commercial rights to put my art on a T-shirt or coffee mug or whatever.

Today I will make an announcement post stating that a scholarship is currently availiable. I will give artists until January 31st to respond and then review applications on February 1st. You will then be notified of the results. If more funds are available we will be able to offer more scholarships.