It was a quiet afternoon in the park. The sun was beginning to tint the sky with golden hues, reflecting softly on the surface of the artificial lagoon. I walked slowly along the gravel path, listening to the crunch of stones under my shoes and the murmur of the water rippling in the breeze.
As I approached the edge of the lagoon, I took out a small cloth bag where I kept pieces of bread and seeds. As I put my hand in, the first geese and ducks began to swim toward me, their eyes bright and their necks stretched out, expectant.
A white duck with brown spots arrived first, paddling excitedly. I tossed it a piece of bread, and it caught it in midair with precision. Beside it, a gray goose flapped its wings impatiently, claiming its turn. I smiled and handed out more food, enjoying the spectacle of birds gathering around me.
Suddenly, a small flock of ducklings appeared from the nearby reeds, clumsily following their mother. They were tiny, with yellow down that seemed to glow in the evening light. I dropped some seeds near them and watched as they timidly pecked, while their mother kept a close watch.
Time passed without my noticing. The last rays of the sun painted the lagoon a deep orange, and little by little, the birds began to disperse. I put the bag away and stayed for a few more minutes, enjoying the serene atmosphere, listening to the distant chirping of crickets and the whisper of the wind through the trees.
With one last glance at the lagoon, I turned around and headed back, my heart filled with peace and the promise of returning another day to feed my little feathered friends.
Era una tarde tranquila en el parque. El sol comenzaba a teñir el cielo de tonos dorados, reflejándose suavemente en la superficie de la laguna artificial. Caminé despacio por el sendero de grava, escuchando el crujir de las piedras bajo mis zapatos y el murmullo del agua ondeando con la brisa.
Al acercarme al borde de la laguna, saqué un pequeño bolso de tela donde guardaba trozos de pan y semillas. Apenas metí la mano, los primeros gansos y patos comenzaron a nadar hacia mí, con sus ojos brillantes y cuellos estirados, expectantes.
Un pato blanco con manchas marrones llegó primero, chapoteando con entusiasmo. Le lancé un trozo de pan y lo atrapó en el aire con precisión. A su lado, un ganso gris agitó las alas con impaciencia, reclamando su turno. Sonreí y repartí más comida, disfrutando del espectáculo de aves que se agrupaban a mi alrededor.
De repente, una pequeña bandada de patitos apareció desde los juncos cercanos, siguiendo torpemente a su madre. Eran diminutos, con plumón amarillo que parecía brillar bajo la luz del atardecer. Dejé caer algunas semillas cerca de ellos y observé cómo picoteaban con timidez, mientras su madre vigilaba de cerca.
El tiempo pasó sin darme cuenta. Los últimos rayos del sol pintaban la laguna de un naranja intenso, y poco a poco, las aves comenzaron a dispersarse. Guardé la bolsa y me quedé unos minutos más, disfrutando del ambiente sereno, escuchando el canto lejano de los grillos y el susurro del viento entre los árboles.
Con una última mirada a la laguna, di media vuelta y emprendí el camino de regreso, con el corazón lleno de paz y la promesa de volver otro día a alimentar a mis pequeños amigos emplumados.
It's been a while I have set my eye on a duck
That was a relaxing moment taking time to spend in a lagoon feeding ducks. I've never been experienced feeding ducks.
Yes, it's quite relaxing and brings a lot of peace. Just like walking through green spaces. I think anything we can do that's connected to nature is beneficial for our body, soul, and spirit.