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RE: There is no free will

You say that one action fuels another action. This would mean that even if your childhood was very bad, you have the ability to change the course of your life by changing your actions. I believe that thoughts become actions and actions become habits. If you build the right habits, you have can use your free will to totally recreate your destiny.


If you build the right habits, you have can use your free will to totally recreate your destiny.

I do not believe that it is possible to change destiny... If you create the right habits, it is because an event in your life happened that led you to take this action, so that was your destiny.

Maybe I'm wrong

Circular arguments are (like the one you've just written), are informal logical fallacies.

The ultimate logical destination of your reasoning is determinism.

Determinism, in philosophy, - A theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes. Determinism is usually understood to preclude free will because it entails that humans cannot act otherwise than they do.

...which ultimately ends in the total absolution of any personal responsibility - for anything - which ultimately , leads in societal collapse.

Nihilism is a useful tool to be used , not a three course meal to be consumed.

You're welcome.

Thank you, I didn't even know there was a philosophy to that.

Not sure if you'll find this of interest - it touches on determinism (you were my inspiration to include it !)

You are very welcome !

If you believe you can change your destiny or if you believe you can't change destiny, either way, you will prove yourself right. If all of your thoughts and decisions are purely reactions to different events and you've never had an original thought in your life, then you do not control your destiny. If you use your mind, you can create your own destiny. I work to pay attention and be proactive because I have learned over time how difficult things can become when you are going through life just reacting.

You're right, what I was trying to say is something else... I've heard a lot of Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor talking about thoughts, the law of vibration, goals... There is another video that I watched that said that it is important every day to do something different, to have more chances of different things happening in life.