Every one knows gluttony as eating to excess but i see it or define it as the heart of wickedness.
Is good to eat and who so ever work hard must eat good. On the other hand, there should be a consideration for others who have nothing to eat.
Everyone just focuse on his life alone, some will have excess of food at home, to give out will be the problem they prefer to feed their dogs till full rather than giving it out.
Almost every one has the heart of Gluttony, we don't want to relax on what we have, even for those that have money in excess, they still need more and hustle to get more every minutes. So, have come to realize that not everyone has the heart of Gluttony, some don't need much, just to get what to eat is okay for him and family.
Taking a look at obasanjo. He has a very larger farm that feed Nigeria ever since 1979, now for more than four(4) decades. despite the money he has he still continues to invest in agriculture because if gluttony heart. So, is gluttony a sin? Yes is a sin if you can't share what you have with others and you prefer to eat till full together with your family without thinking of others.
But to have a gluttony heart is not a sin in the sense that if you are hustling for more money in good way and helping people around you and in other side, is a sin if you embezzled money just to be rich.
Christmas is near, let's try to share things with others, that's the best way to make our prayer answered and to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading.