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RE: Word of wisdom

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Refuse to let pride stop you from taking positive actions that will liberate you from unhappiness ( food for thought).

Wonderful words from you and I will like to say this is really good and motivating to see.
Lot of lessons is to be taught in life and that is why will need to adehere to whatever people are teaching us or that we comes across especially in this platform,I must also say according to you words pride on it own is an enemy of progress,it stops people from actually seeing what is wrong in them and taking necessary steps to actually overcome their mistakes

Ego at the other hand is something that can bring someone down if it is not well looked into as I see both ego and pride as brother and sister that can bring a great man down

Of all we should know how to manage how time,it is very essential as an adage says time wait for no man,that is why times at normally comes with opportunities to either make something right or do what nis needful.

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U have said it all dear

Thanks for acknowledging my little effort and wish I could do more in your subsequent post.

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Uwelcm appreciate ur effort