
Ha ha...interesting. This contest turned in to an interesting ending.

Yet still this is not a 180deg view from this spot. @vikbuddy was first to identify the object itself, but failed to give the requested precise answer. @pthker2010 found another author's picture, made perhaps several years earlier, and only within 2-3 meters from the task given.

This is what I expected to get as a reply, a 100% correct answer :

Or, check it by yourself here:,25.2877263,3a,90y,321.04h,78.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqb7X4C7YZRPM93m9hoZylQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

As there is no reason to wait now any longer, I will do a compromise:
20 POB will be divided in half, 10 POB to each of these two competitors,

I think this will be fair. @vikbuddy and @pthker2010

Didn't I say that this will be easy?


Seen and acknowledge boss,, thanks for this kind gesture.

I appreciate

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😂😂, this is great, it was indeed challenging and interesting. The 180 degree flip was a big challenge. Any tip for other image on @hranhuk content, it's seems impossible without any hint. 😵🥴

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Only after 24h.
I really hope that will be a hard task, and justify the 200 POB mark.

This is so wonderful and I must say it is getting more interesting, thanks boss for the fair treatment.

Thanks so much

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