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RE: POB TALK 22/07/2021 - #54

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This is very interesting to see and you have definitely did well enough to have bring up things like this and even though I have little to add up to this word of wisdom that as comes from you,but still I just have to make sure that I add the little knowledge I have too.

First of all I grew up to know the importance of the association will keep in life,cause at most times this associations determine the level of how far will we go in life and that is why at a point in life they do say

Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are

To me it is not really define the kind of character that you have ,but it is all about the level of progress you will make in life and it is very essential that some set of people are not meant to stay in our life forever,which I want to say they are people of connection,they have a specific roles to play ,by helping us to get what we need in life and achieved our goals.

That is why my father do say we all go up by helping each other,while to me I will also say that people of Access to my understanding here right now are the ones that are met to stay,life is always plan with them,they are always the one's will talking to the more and I can even say this set of people are the one that do the link up wit the people of connection.

That is the reason why it was said that.

The friends you make today, determine the connection your children will have tomorrow

So we must also understand that we should be smart and wise in choosing who to fellow or keep around us,but of all to me bother people of Access and that of connection are very vital and important ones they are carefully choosed

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