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in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This is a very good content from you and I can't not but say one or two things about it , cause it is really a very good one when it comes to the topic of love.

To me naturally the word love this days as actually suffered what I called misplaced priority as it purpose as been defeated by the selfish interest which as been applied into it by human.

It as now go out of what the bible preaches or what God himself makes us understand in the scripture in which he himself demonstrated by showing us love unconditionally.

For God so love the world that he gave us his only begotten son,that who so ever believe in him will not die,but have everlasting Iife.

To me the above statement is one of the surest kind of love that we received as human,but the level of shown to each other this days come with a crucial benefit from one of the party involved.

This selfish reason to me as actually put an end to Relationship or affairs cause it always comes to an end once the benefits attached to it is no longer working for the two parties involved,just because it foundation too was built on selfish reasons

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