sher-LOCK-ed (naive post about locks and crypto)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

My friend @alechi recently was teasing me constantly showing me pictures of 'eternal love' locks that we was discovering in his location. With some of them being quite impressive - one of them was even a special construction, a tree created from iron rails, intended especially to grab and keep those 'signs'.

Actually, I did not shared yet my stuff, but I do love to shoot locks. And this post will bring to light some proof-pics for this.


As for the reasons - believe me or not, I dont know myself!

Some sort of stuff I just love by heart, on a subconscious level ... like the doors, for example (or mushrooms). I cannot walk past a beautiful door without takeing a picture of it. But on the other hand, I can quite easily walk past a beautiful car without holding my breath, and feel no desire to unholster the camera and take a picture ... I really don’t know why.


Yin + Yang! Why I photographed this castle, I can say for sure: it's a great symbol! Symbol within a symbol. Therefore, I think that this picture may surely be needed by someone, yes, I photographed it not because I like this castle - but because it is a good candidate for a stock photo. That's why.


This (obviously) is a special heart-shaped lock, never intended to lock something 'real'. (I wonder, what are the sales figures for this?..) It was created purely for thus symbolic and decorative function. Funny thing, isnt it?


Googly eyes.GooglyEyes community, Some of the locks (they often have a key slot, screws, etc you know) are a great opportunity to "see faces." And thats totally my stuff. I really love this #googlyeye challenge, which was popular on our previous blockchain, and we even have a dedicated although it hasn't been very active over the past year. I hope that the state of affairs may change any time, and @fraenk will return to us and inspire us for further fruitful researches.


In the Russian alphabet, E is not the very last letter, it would be much more symbolic if instead of 'Э' there was the letter 'Я'. It would also turn out to be an excellent symbol (as in Alpha and Omega).



Collages. Locks are great for doing collages, as they add this 'extra sense' to a given image. I actually photographed this bunch of locks connected by one chain in order to donate it for free use within the #LMAC challenge here, on Hive - but I'm always lazy to make an actual post :)


location: St.Petersburg, Russia 2021 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv
f/2.8 t 1/125 ISO 125 --

Vintage stuff. And perhaps the last but not least: I really love vintage and old textures ... worn out by life, made by human hands but faded, cracked, craquelured, not shiny. I like to watch how nature by its own means levels, polishes, polishes what people have done, brings them into equilibrium with the rest of nature. (Don't we all love this? ..) Well, locks usually hang in one place for a long time, age and die there, at their workplace ... In fact, that's why I photograph castles.

И последнее, но не в последнюю очередь: я люблю винтаж и текстуры... потрепанное жизнью, сделанное руками человека, но не блестящее, потускневшее, потресканное, с кракелюрами. Мне нравится смотреть, как природа своими средствами нивелирует, полирует, шлифует то что сделали люди, приводит в равновесное состояние с остальной природой. Ну и замки как правило долго висят на одном месте, стареют и умирают на своем рабочем месте... Bот почему на самом деле я фотографирую замки.

All of the photos above are my captures. if you would like to dig into it more deeply (far, far more)... here is a link for you. Search for Byzantine locks, and you simply will be enchanted! Photos below of course are not mine, and I dont have any copyright on them.


Another question that buzzed my head for a while, is tokens.

I have accumulated a load of crypto tokens from Hive ecosystem I cant part with, and they are just sitting in my stack, most of the time doing nothing.


Quite recently I've stumbled upon some examples what other Hiveans do with them (if i remember correctly, it was @melinda010100 's post that inspired me - thanx, Melinda!), and I decided simply to follow.

  • my nice little CCC token I delegated to @cccf (and receive payments in same token weekly)
  • I tried to delegate my tiny LEO stake to a few different accounts, getting me nowhere, I adjusted it a few times, and currently have it delegated to @brofi, which gives me tiny daily income in BRO tokens (which are profitable and can be sold at H-E).
  • And all the rest of my token ballast: STEM, SPACO, LOTUS, JAHM, ASH, SH, WAIV,-- including POB and PAL -- I delegated in the same way to @brofi, with very same consequences. I would gladly accept any #financialadvise or tips on a better token policy for this stuff.

Also, I am quite intrested if anybody more financial-wise could enlight me, to know what have happened to PAL?.. I used to add #palnet to all of my posts, but noticed it stopped bringing me any PAL income. Have no idea why.

What happened, I wonder? maybe there were some adjustments in the tribe policy I am not aware of...


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
My posts at
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!

A delightful post with wonderful photos @qwerrie. I have kept aside the staked tokens that I use to allow me to give token votes, but I have delegated all the Tokens for tribes that I am not active in to @brofi I do remember reading something about Palnet a while ago and quit using their tag, but I don't remember why. And like you I delegate all my creativecoin to cccf. I have not delegated my archon or Dhedge because I don't want to upset the payouts I receive. Like you I would appreciate some token management advice! @ecoinstant @raymondspeaks

I am like 90% stopped using #palnet, add it only if theres any unused room left. delegating tokens for communities where you're not active is an obvious benefittable step. before that, folks used to create special alter accounts, but to mee it is just making things over-complicated and not necessary at all. and, long live @cccf !!!


I have one token alt account which is useful for giving out 100% token votes while not using all my Hive Power from my main account. It earns me nice token curation rewards. But you are right, it does make things more complicated!

It was more than a year that I have this idea, creating sort of a 'guide' or introduction to the tokens, mainly for the Russian-speaking audience (which is 75% ignorant about it), but I retreated and put it to a long box, cause I had 1st to educate myself better about it... and then we moved to another blockchain, and the things changed a lot. So I have this intention (but not a clear plan yet). If you will come around useful bits of info for this field (in a broad sense), please feel free to alert me. Any links to the other articles would be much appreciated too.

Will do! There are many of us who have accumulated tokens who have no clear idea what the best way is to benefit from them. I am not a trader.. Maybe I am a hoarder? 🤣

I am not a trader.. Maybe I am a hoarder?

I would say so! Some of us are traders, and all of us are hoarders :)))))

And we say that all Americans know how to make money and all are good sellers. 😂😂😂
It is easier for me to give something to another person, to make him a present, than to sell something.

I agree @apnigrich. Isn't it funny all the things we have been led to believe about each other?

And will you pass by a beautiful girl too?
And will you pass by a vintage girl? ;)

vintage girl(s) already all passed me by. and beautiful girls I pass almost everyday -- hart to approach and take a pic. so, yes, I simply just pass by, most of the time.


Знатные замки!
А дверь с краской облупившейся прям что-от такое родное, знакомое.... Что-то из детства.

ага. что-то несовременное, советское.

Man that is really cool and for as long as people have made locks we have also had people circumventing them and figuring out ways to defeat the locking capability.

Sometimes it is brute force and other times it is finesse.

AHA!!! circumventing is the fave (well, one of!) part in the videogames for my babygirl, haha! she recently played #Bioshock-1 and i was amazed how neat she is at that ;))))

glad you enjoyed my visuals -- let me treat you with a !BEER 😎

Thank you very much and I really do like the video games that have lock picking even though it is usually extremely unrealistic however Skyrim really is phenomenal.

Thinking of which I haven't played that on my Nintendo switch in a while.

oh, Skyrim! I reached 110 level there ;-)
I think one never can be bored of it. so many different game mechanics and - breath taking visuals!

Up until they decided to do the entire outer limits version the space cowboy fallout Skyrim rip off that really glitched out bad..

I really miss playing that however my PS4 account won't port over with all of my wonderful stuff and that wonderful House of mine filled to the brim of cool stuff....grr