8 steps to attain maturity

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

1...Do not criticize. It will make you personality. The average of the mature do not criticize others.

2...Do not argue. If you argue, you will have to lose the relationship. So a manual man does not argue.

3...A mature man knows to honor others. He will always talk to you by evaluating you. He never gives negligence to you.

4...A mature man never disrespects parents. Maintain good relations with them. Because they understand that the only parents can do everything for their selflessly.

5..A mature people always accept changes. Because he understands that the change will come.

6..A mature man never compare yourself with others. Because he knows that every person in this world is a different talent.

7..A mature man never complains. He finds his deficit and tried to meet it. Because he knows that the complaint does not solve the problem. He changed himself.

8...A mature man never mocks the wrongdoing. He represents her mistakes in personal way. Which I have expressed the images.

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Posted via proofofbrain.io


I completely disagree with some points, but that's ok. They're great opinions regardless.