Hello friends from pob, today I still won't be posting the compilation of the total war story, it ended up taking more work than I imagined, and my day was a little confusing. And about that I would like to share some thoughts with you. Perhaps this text is also a little confusing, as it is a self-expression, my state of mind and my mind tend to reflect on my writing, but I will try to orient myself by logical reasoning.
Well I got a new job working as a business analyst at a consulting company, previously I was working in a restaurant, I would go out in the morning and do my reading on the way to the bus, I live an hour away from the restaurant so I had about 2 hours a day to read while traveling, finally, I left home, arrived at work, worked until my schedule, then returned home, managed my investments and posted on the pob.
My routine was well organized and everything fit into its proper schedule. However, now I started working from home, but I hadn't planned much for it, so my first day of work was quite surprising for both my mind and my body.
Last year I had a youtube channel and was doing day-trading, so I was used to home-office, but that was about 6 months ago, so my memories about how my body and my mind behaved gave me a fake feeling confident about how I would react to starting working at home again, however, what I didn't take into account was the fact of my mindset and my biological rhythm (I'm referring to the physical rhythm that my body was used to, walking a lot, getting cold, rain...) have changed a lot in the last 6 months. now I was much more physically active, and mentally more organized, my focus was on the long term and things were already well-adjusted on that path.
This clash of routines left me stunned, I'll tell you why.
I woke up at 8 in the morning as usual, had my coffee, sat at the pc I sent a msg to my boss and other teammates to see what my duties would be, they didn't respond right away so I took the time to stop by the pob, man body and mind got it, cool let's spend more time here reading reviews and voting. the messages still hadn't been answered so I took the opportunity to look at my investments and do some planning, then my boss replied, passed me, a possible client that I'll access, I saw their interviews, I made my notes a plan, we talked a little, then I went to lunch. I had lunch quickly and went back to the computer,
I talked a little more with my boss, then he had a meeting, I went to talk to the staff, as I was unsure what the next steps would be after I met the client and his action plan, they didn't answer me in the At that time I ended up being idle and at that moment I had difficulties to adapt, I went to read the book I learned a few things and then I got distracted and almost slept.
At that moment I felt very lost, for being something totally opposite to the routine I was used to mentally and physically.
After they answered me, then I read some introductory articles on the company's best practices and finally we trained the team.
Anyway, the day was over and I didn't know what to do after my shift, I ended up playing and watching videos of channels I liked but I hadn't watched it for a long time, because I spent a lot of idle time during the day I ended up getting a bit confused, a common feeling when we are adapting, I got to feel scared and got low self-confidence at times thinking that I wouldn't be able to handle the new routine.
And well maybe this text wasn't so confusing, I believe that's why I rewrote it several times. At this point we come to reflection on adaptation.
I post daily in the pob so this is a part of my routine that hasn't changed, the only part by the way, so when I started writing I was very confused, but as I wrote my thoughts were getting organized in my head, even just the first paragraph I didn't rewrite, but as I expressed myself here and reflected, trying to put my brain to the test, I started to recover the feeling of that routine I had focused on for work, self-confidence and discipline.
The adaptation by stages ends up being easier if we have things in our routine that still bring our focus and keep us in the rhythm that we had already set something that we can support ourselves as an anchor for our brain.
That's where I think we can find something very valuable here at proofofbrain, whether we like it or not the act of constantly writing and putting our brains to work, within a community where we are rewarded for collaboration and positive effort, in a healthy environment toxicity free. There is a very valuable psychological factor, and I think you must also feel something very similar to what I feel here.
Analyzing from this point of view, POB adds real value to society and solves a problem that is very common today, not only looking at the financial aspect, but in relation to mental health. proofofbrain has the ability to help transform people's lives, whether by participating in a healthy community (I never see toxic posts here in pob) or by the space to be able to express themselves, or even being the anchor in a person's routine in moments of adaptation... I believe that if we work together and the site keeping its essence and bringing innovations, we will have a very promising future as a social network.
Not counting the pob token, which can work as an excellent currency to exchange... it's not my specialty so I may be saying the wrong things, but maybe even as a store of value, since we have a coin with a finite number of issue It is easily traded and is divisible several times. I don't know how the security issue works or possible weaknesses that we have in relation to the token at the moment, but I trust that if we put our brain to work we can prepare ourselves to solve these future problems.
Well thank you very much for reading here, this post was a little longer than usual, but I hope you enjoyed reading it.
That was a well written text, man! You mentioned you rewrote it several times, well, it shows! And congrats on your new job!! It's always hard to adapt to a 180 turn in your routine, but eventually it will become natural again. I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to change a habit, so in 21 days you will be fully adapted, don't worry!! But the point I wanna comment the most is this one:
The hard coded gamification done in Steem/Hive/POB allied with the curation done here at POB makes this is a incredibly exciting environment to be, perhaps one of the few in life where you are almost instantly rewarded for "good behaviour" or for doing your best and being nice. (Which is usually a path for pain in real life, if your not careful). Not mentioning the rich, intelligent and creative posts everyone makes.
Lastly, I wanna mention that the habit of thinking deeply about something and writing almost everyday is really enriching, it has done wonders for me professionally, I write with much more ease now than, I think, ever... Not mentioning my English. I was a bit rusty at first, but now I feel much more comfortable writing in English.
Thank you bro, for inviting me here, I shall be eternally grateful to you. Good luck in your new job! God bless you!
Thanks bro, I'm grateful to be always interacting and adding value to each post and comment here
Every change needs time for adaptation and it's normal to feel "lost" in the first couple of days like you felt... You will find your routine and rhythm very fast... ;)
Thanks for sharing your experience!
I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!
Thank you for reading and commenting, Thank you for indicating the post in the project I will go to know