Hard days are inevitable.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Today this text will be very objective. I want to reflect with you on the aspects of a results-focused routine. And take advantage of this moment to publicly register some reflections on the points that may be useful for someone in the future.

The context is the following, in my social bubble and the advertisements that appear to me on youtube, it's normal to see a lot of "gurus" talking about high performance, great results, getting rich and being super focused. but they convey the idea as if all this were something super simple and easy to execute with consistency.

Of course, their objective is to sell a service or a product, so I believe that saying that there are days when you will be almost dying without motivation or extremely tired from working so hard, but you need to continue fulfilling your routine to achieve your goals would not be the best advertisement , but as my objective here is not to sell anything to you, I think we can get into this difficult part of a routine focused on results.

First, any goal you have for the future that is far from your current reality will take time to be achieved. The further away, the more time and dedication it would take to get there. So in this logic, if you dedicate only one hour a day, it can take a year, but if you dedicate yourself ten hours a day with the same quality of execution, it can only take 36 days.

The normal thing is to think ours so I'll dedicate myself 10 hours every day and get there quickly, and that's usually what is sold because it seems easier... But actually it's not, it's simple but not easy.

The factor that is not taken into account in this equation is that it will be 36 days of pain and suffering hehe, I will try to justify why.

Imagine that you have a very light routine, you do what you want, when you feel like it, and when you want. But then you decide to change your life because you saw a video on youtube, teaching you how to get muscled in 6 months (just an example) but for that you will need to perform a high performance routine with extremely regulated diet and exercise training, the guy makes you super excited, you go buy the course and start.

In the first days it's quiet, my muscles a little but the exercise is good, you have a lot of energy at the beginning... But after a week or two the business starts to get complicated, that motivation is already smaller than the pain and the Suffering. It is at this point that most people give up, in large part I believe because they were not told clearly that it would be very difficult after the first week, and they end up dropping out of training.

This example I think is valid for any goal that is far from your reality, whether in the study or finance career, the further away, the more time and dedication it would take, and that is why the discipline that will separate the people who will succeed those who have allowed themselves to fail along the way.

Napoleon Hill, names this in his book "Outwithing the devil" as the Hypnotic Rhythm, The strength of your routine that is involved in a rhythm that takes you to a goal, if you don't have a goal you will also be a victim of the hypnotic rhythm, but ended up being taken wherever life decides, or as he says "Where the devil decides to take you".

And at the moment that I fit the title of the post, hard days are inevitable along the way, but if you have the discipline to continue executing the plan that was well defined at the beginning, you will be each day closer to getting where you want. But remember hard days always come, but after a good night's sleep everything gets easier.

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This example I think is valid for any goal that is far from your reality, whether in the study or finance career, the further away, the more time and dedication it would take, and that is why the discipline that will separate the people who will succeed those who have allowed themselves to fail along the way.

Napoleon Hill, names this in his book "Outwithing the devil" as the Hypnotic Rhythm, The strength of your routine that is involved in a rhythm that takes you to a goal, if you don't have a goal you will also be a victim of the hypnotic rhythm, but ended up being taken wherever life decides, or as he says "Where the devil decides to take you".

Oh man, I already wanted to read this book before, but now I have to, it's just too good, I'm putting it at the top of my must read list for sure!! haha Thanks for sharing, man!

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Go man, you will see that it will be very worth reading it

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Everything definitely gets better after a good night sleep. And this was a good read.

Gone are the days I gave time to motivational speakers, they just try to make everything look so easy when there's the possibility of getting burned in the process...

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Glad you liked @espandorr, exactly it is very easy to fall into the trap of quick and easy success, but it is hardly explained that the path will be difficult.

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Los días difíciles inevitables. Se pasan por muchas cosas en ocasiones, no hay un camino rápido o mágico para llegar a una meta, pero si debe haber constancia y trabajo, esmero. Mejor lento y seguro; que rápido y quizás luego del primer tropiezo: sin ánimos.

The inevitable difficult days. They go through many things at times, there is no quick or magical way to reach a goal, but if there must be perseverance and work, dedication. Better slow and safe; how quickly and perhaps after the first stumble: without encouragement.

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Yes, that's exactly what patience is essential.

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Indeed, we must regain our strength and have determination and will
In a good and outstanding performance when you keep your progress even if it is one step but you progress

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