Outwitting the devil: "The Secret to Freedom and Success"

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Yesterday I finished reading thiago nigro's book "From a thousand to a million" he changed my way of thinking and acting, and I started to see the consequences of these changes. At various points in the book he quotes this Napoleon Hill book "Outwitting the devil" and how that book changed his life.

So I bought it to start reading and today I started, I was really excited for a long time that I didn't read books, and I started to have a different feeling during reading. Now I can better understand why great masters of magic in rpg works are represented with books. in hand or around them, knowledge through reading acts directly on the reader's brain you are obliged and actively interact with the work to be able to consume the content, the speed with which you read it or how much you are paying attention, the world all around you this is all part of the reading experience, I like to imagine the voice of the author I am reading to create a real connection with him, and try to understand the feelings, intentions and reasoning he had while writing to really try to absorb the knowledge that is written there.

This book by Napoleon shivered me in the first chapter, the way he approaches the experiences while talking about them is something very empathic, and it brought me the feeling of being there listening to him say those things, the knowledge when put my own life in perspective and experiences are transforming me, now I can really understand why people I adore and for me are successful references are always reading books.

Before I read but I couldn't absorb the experiences and knowledge contained in the book, I read Tolkien's complete work and it was the only work that really impacted me as I reported in this post.

But now reading these works on finance and personal development I feel they are saving me from having to make mistakes to learn, it is as if I have been really developing myself consuming this type of content, like a pokemon that evolves and gains new powers.

Here at proofofbrain I have been in the habit of developing writing by creating publications where I dedicate the best of myself to be able to create content that adds value to the reader, and that is why I feel an incredible empathy to read people who have done this too, I am not comparing myself to none of these authors but the act of writing in order to pass on knowledge to another person is as rewarding as absorbing that knowledge through reading.

Basically writing here made me able to read much better. in order to absorb what is written and understand what is being said.

That's it for today, this book is very good for those who haven't read it yet.

Versão em português

Ontem eu terminei de ler o livro do thiago nigro "Do mil ao milhão" ele mudou minha maneira de pensar e agir, e ja comecei a ver as consequencias dessas mudanças. Em varios momentos do livro ele cita este livro do Napoleon Hill "mais esperto que o diabo"e como esse livro mudou a vida dele.

Então eu comprei para começar a ler e hoje comecei, eu estava bem empolgado faz tempo que não lia livros, e comecei a ter um sentimento diferente durante a leitura agora consigo entender melhor por que grandes mestres da magia em obras de rpg são representados com livros na mão ou em volta deles, o conhecimento atraves da leitura age diretamente no cerebro do leitor voce é obrigado e interagir com a obra de forma ativa para poder consumir o conteudo, a velocidade com que voce le ou o quanto esta prestando atenção, o mundo a sua volta tudo isso faz parte da experiencia de ler, eu gosto de imaginar a voz do autor que estou lendo para criar uma conexão real com ele, e tentar compreender os sentimentos intenções e raciocinios que ele teve enquanto escrevia para tentar realemente absorver o conhecimento que esta ali escrito.

Este livro do Napoleon me arrepiou logo no primeiro capitulo a forma como ele aborda as experiencias enquanto fala sobre elas é algo muito empatico, e me trouxe a sensação de estar ali ouvindo ele falar aquelas coisas, o conhecimento quando colocado em perspectiva a minha propria vida e experiencias esta me transformando, agora eu realmente consigo entender porque pessoas que adimiro e pra mim são referencias de sucesso sempre estão lendo livros.

Antes eu lia mas não conseguia absorver as expericencias e o conhecimento contido no livro, eu li a obra completa de Tolkien e tinha sido a unica obra que realmente me impactou como relatei nesse post.

Mas agora ler essas obras sobre finanças e desenvolvimento pessoal eu sinto elas estão me poupando de ter que errar para aprender, é como se eu estive-se realmente me desenvolvendo, consumindo este tipo de conteudo, como um pokemon que evolui e ganha poderes novos.

Aqui no proofofbrain eu venho tendo o habito de desenvolver a escrita criando publicações onde dedico o melhor de mim para poder criar um conteudo que agregue valor ao leitor, e por isso sinto uma empatia incrivel ler pessoas que fizeram isso tambem, não estou me comparando a nenhum desses autores mas o ato de escrever em prol de passar conhecimento para outra pessoa é gratificante tanto quanto absorver esse conhecimento atraves da leitura.

Basicamente escrever aqui me fez conseguir ler muito melhor. no sentido de absorver o que esta escrito e entender o que esta sendo dito.

Por hoje é só isso, muito bom esse livro quem ainda não leu fica a recomendação.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Such a great and insightful post.

A wise man once said that if you want to keep something from a man keep it in a book because he’ll never read it.

Thank you very much @cryptonian007, I had never heard that phrase, very interesting.

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You have good format, I enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for sharing this book, I have heard of it in the past and you reminded me now I should check it out.

Did you know some think that you absorb 50% of the information when reading from a screen vs paperback?


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I'm glad you liked it, thank you very much for commenting.

I'm loving this book, it's really worth it and I agree with this article, I don't have the same reading experience on paper and digital, I hate reading books on the screen, when I finish one page I already forgot the other

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