Getting things done with excellence.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

How can you get this done with excellence? You will be told that only the best of the best do it and nothing less. That is the truth. The person who tells you that if you just do it right you can get anything you want done is himself the best of the lot and knows what he is talking about. He is talking from experience and has done it all. I am not about to say that only the best get it done with excellence, but I will say that those who have been around the longest are usually the most capable.

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Ask questions and listen to your intuition. Those who know more often do what others don't know. They also get more done. That's my belief and practice.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are lots of competent people out there who have never met you but who have the ability to do a better job than you. Sometimes you have to pay for that help, but that should not stop you from seeking it out. The best leaders spend their time getting help for their teams and themselves.

I know that sounds contrary to what you are probably thinking. You want to do it all by yourself. You are afraid you can't do it. Don't worry. The greatest leaders were not afraid to get help or ask for help. They learned how to get it done and how to let others know they wanted it done.

Now if you think you can get anything done in a day that's fine. But, day after day, week after week, month after month, you won't get anywhere. You are doing what you are supposed to do. That's how you get what you want. If you are asking me to change the world so you can get a promotion, you need to think very carefully about that and how your actions affect others.

So, if you are a leader, you need to learn how to get results for yourself first. Then when you think you are capable of helping others to get what they want, then you can step into leadership position. Don't get caught up in doing what needs to be done first.

If you can't have results overnight, you will have to learn to do it consistently. That is what leadership is all about. Even if it's done twenty times per month you need to go back and do it a hundred times per month if you want to get this done with excellence. This is the only way to consistently get good results. If you don't want to do it consistently, that's okay, you don't have to do it at all.

Leadership is learning how to get something done. You can't teach someone to paint or clean a house, right? You either do it or you don't. In any organization, you need to learn to do it. When you are ready, the rewards are amazing.

Ask yourself: "Why am I not getting this done with more effort?" Most people don't work as hard as they could because they don't enjoy what they do. They don't enjoy working on their own and they don't enjoy doing work that other people do. So, in order to increase your level of success, you must eliminate these negative habits and get yourself into the mindset of being a leader.

How can you get this done with excellence, if you don't have the leadership qualities to become a leader? First, you need to understand that your goals and your purpose are extremely important. You need to have clarity on what it is that you want. You must also understand your role in creating that goal. Are you a sales person, a teacher, an artist, a businessman, a technician, a customer service person or someone else? Once you know who you want to be, you can begin to eliminate the negative traits that hold you back from becoming successful.

For example, do you need to spend your free time playing games? If so, you might want to invest in a game system that will help you become more productive. Do you need to get a tan so that you look like you've shed a few pounds? Then you can purchase a tanning spray to give you the results that you want.

How can you get this done with excellence? It is not always easy, but it can be done. Once you have started down the road to success, you will wonder why you ever tried to get anything done without being motivated. You will be amazed at how much extra money you can add up just by eliminating the negative habits that hold you back from becoming successful.

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