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RE: The Elephant in the Room, POB's future?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

I haven't followed the situation that closely as I want to stay out of drama. The truth is that POB isn't the first tribe to mute someone. This might be the first MUTE from a tribe owner that has got high level attention. I think the issue here is some peoples vision of what a TRIBE is. To me a TRIBE is a community and the creator of that community will decide in what direction to take the tribe. If onlookers like what they see they can invest, if they don't then there's plenty of other tribes that might better suit said persons interests.

Is the MUTE warranted in this particilar situation, that's up to every individual to decide for themselves. The only reason I am even slightly paying attention to this drama is because I recently made a decision to post most my created content from the POB frontend. For now I will continue to do so but as I originally decided I will look at all things POB including my blog success while using the POB frontend and reassses my decision within the upcoming weeks/months.

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Ya, I hear that. I think POB is a good place to be posting and you likely will be very happy with the results.

I feel this is an important conversation to be having as it does have large ramifications on what kind of tribe we are involved in and growing. Thank you for reading and weighing in on it.

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