Setting goals are necessities in a competitive market, when you draw your scheme and it go along with plan, aims and objectives must be achieved, surviving in a competitive market is so demanding and it required much of intellectual reasoning.
Competition is everywhere, not only in market economic but also in all spheres of life .
Businesses compete and so do nation's, competition on a long run brought in growth and development, when people tend to be competing, during those times, it is noted that, enough strength will be out so that to meet up the competitive market and not pull down by the other competitor, now, this system of competitating would brought out more efforts, at last resort, help in boosting the actual numbers of activities that should be put more than expected.
The followings are the steps to survived in a competitive market economy
Setting of goals and objectives
Estimation of causes of action
follow up
Setting of time frame to be used
Actualization of the expected plan.
Setting of goals: entails drawing of a scheme and outlining those necessities inorder to achieve your objectives.
The objectives is what you target, if it was in a manufacturing company, the objectives is the entity, you derived from producing a particular thing.
The objectives is the amount of effort put in for the day which results is seen and accomplishable.
** Estimation of causes of action:** The duties to be carried out must be sum up, then given a well plan about it and how to get it done nicely.
Estimation, entails, calculation of attributes and knowing them one after the other.
Knowing their range, how they stand and where they originate from.
Follow up: To follow up is to expedite, and at this vein, to follow up is very important, following up entails making sure that the go accordingly to plan, and if mistakes where made in the first and second phase, at this stage all the errors must be corrected and
Presented for Checked.
Setting of time frame to be used After given a thorough checking, durations to be used would be follow so as to get it done when applicable.
Time frame can be, mnutes, hours and days, this is very essential, because it would enable the person performing a tasks to be cautious of when to get if done.
Actualization of the expected plan: before, analyzing the last phase, let first of all explain what it means by plan, plan entails knowing what to do, how to do it, when to do it and where to get it done.
Therefore, at this stage, all the effort put are yielding a result and it is positive.
This stage entails result achievable, everything put were tested, follow up and was inline with plan.
Making the overall goal achieved.