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RE: The covid jab is magnetic: what does it mean?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Girlfriend works at the hospital and got the vaccine pretty early. Been trying to get magnets and random metal objects to stick to her arm.

Nothing seems to hold, pretty disappointed to be honest..

Will test again after I get mine

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Very much appreciate you checking this out for us. I can also confirm I know someone who didn't turn magnetic. And yes, I was also a bit disappointed! But I still struggle to see how this can be a hoax?

No problem! Well, guess there's many ways to trick this setup. Many also later admitted they did it for fun and never expected anyone to fall for it.

Any specific one you're having trouble with? The magnet under the armpit is obviously not applicable to all, that's a given. Unless they glued the magnet there hehe

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Not sure about no sticky stuff, I did however get to stick my phone to my arm just now with the silicon case.. what makes it stick is the slight backward angle which creates more friction/resistance. When she puts the phone lower it slides right of but even just a little bit of stickiness from the silicon case, sweat or something similar will help make it stick.

Note, I have not been vaccinated so it shouldn't stick.. well unless it's from years ago hehe

Anyway it's not magnetic stickiness it's just when I position it that way it stays and that happens to be near top of the shoulder.

Some scary comments on there though, calling for violence and all that. Personally I'm not buying the whole conspiracy train of thought and think it's kind of sad seeing the polarization and pitted against each other one more stubborn than the next.

Seems people are having a hard time to accept that not everyone shares the same opinion and to respect those who don't share theirs.

Anyway back to the magneto super power: I'll try again after vaccine, my year is almost up here. If it does turn magnetic I'm sure I'll have a change of opinion. If it doesn't, I'm sure many will say I'm being mind controlled like the vaxtard I am :-P

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Thanks again for trying to help me with this but I remain unconvinced it is a trick for a number of reasons.

How do they get the items to stick to the injections site but not to other areas, without adjusting the angle of their arm? If they were using sticky stuff it would stick wherever they placed it.

And how do the magnets so clearly display a force which pushes them away from the arm when the polarity is reversed? Sometimes you can see them jumping around, trying to find their natural polarity. I just don't see how this can be faked.

My own mother disregarded my advice to take it but I will never consider her a vaxtard. We all do what we want in the end.

Actually holding the elbow out a little bit (debunking the whole super neodymium magnet in armpit theory) helps a LOT because it puts the shoulder in an even more favourable angle, phone was almost vertical just now and not dropping hehe.

Best done after training 🧐

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Hard to imagine how all of these people suddenly decided to train themselves us to the point where they could film this so convincingly. I understand most people in the world are struggling to make ends meet at this time, so they likely have more important things to do than learning magic.