What if?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


Well I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about life and some of the causes of depression and lack of self motivation. Sometimes I wonder why to an onlooker, a person’s life may seem perfect but that person doesn’t seem to share the same opinion with his observer. Life has offered us so much to choose from and I fear that it’s these varieties in choices that lead to the numerous problems of life

In Economics we were thought that human wants are insatiable. That is, no matter how much you try to provide what a person wants, they will always crave for more. There will always be that craving to have something different. This leads to a situation whereby a person or people get bored of things easily especially when they’ve gotten too used to that particular thing or even person/s. For example, a person craving for attention. When this person gets the attention they’ve always wanted, they begin to become bored of same attention they always craved for. To a very large extent, often, most people become disgusted by that same attention they so wished for.

All of these put together leads people into asking questions like; what if I was taller, shorter, fatter, thinner or even richer than I am right now? We can all bear witness to the fact that depression doesn’t really come to those who don’t look good enough or aren’t rich enough. In my opinion I believe that it’s those many what ifs clouding our minds that lead to it. I’ve seen people I wished to be like take their own lives due to depression and if I’m to be honest I’d say that I truly relate because it’s a place that I’ve been to myself.


What if this, what if that?….naaa!! Throw that away and instead say I’m good enough. I’m exactly where I need to be. Whatever I’m passing through right now is preparing me for something better. As a Christian, my Bible teaches me to count my blessings and name them one by one. Surprisingly, each time I did that, I found more reasons to be glad for all that I have now despite all the storms. You are not alone. Do not give in to those negative thoughts. You are a warrior and mustn’t be defeated by your thoughts.

We must all try to understand that in as much as we can only live one life at a time, things will always happen one at a time.

I hope my words inspire and save someone dealing with depression today. If you’re not depressed then try to be a shining light in someone’s life today. The world is passing through a lot at the moment. Do not bully the weak. The best we can do is try to bring hope to as many as we can.

Thank you!