There was a pattern to everything, but you couldn't see it. You didn't have the nomenclature, you didn't have the reference points. The truth was hidden. Sometimes it would stare you right in the face, but you wouldn't see it, and even then you wouldn't believe it, no matter how undeniable it became.
You could be ruled by demons and you wouldn't know it. Because you didn't even understand the fundamentals of our reality. If you didn't even know the basics, you could never even conceive of their formations. The forces of the world would be beyond you.
The faith would lay with mechanical monstrosities to protect us from the horrors beyond our comprehension.
Euclidean geometry was a lie. There was no such actual thing as a square, a triangle, or a circle. These were fake concepts sold to us by the demiurge. The world we lived in was of fractal geometry. What we interpret from the stimuli we receive through our receptors is Plato's Cave. Different energy excitations of receptors assign colour from photons, we interpret sound from vibrations, and so forth.
Our sense of balance comes from our vestibular system within our ears. The receptors detect rotational motion of the head, and other such things in relation to to Gravity, and the receptors transduce these stimuli into understood signals that tell us our balance.
We know when we are upside down, or off-balance, and if we have solid grounding.
This evolutionary system of balance within our ears, was at some point memetically copied by the menome to give us our sense of "Right" and "Wrong"(a balance based system on value judgements).
When we are grounded in moral foundation we are adhering to the assigned value akin to the vestibular system's adherence to the value of Gravity.
When we are off-balance we are straying from our value based moral foundations. We weigh up a situation to determine right or wrong. We seek balance. At times suffering from the belief of balance, yet stumbling constantly. A fractal imprint from genome to memenome. Imperfect symmetry.
The world as we see it is a simulacra.
To see beyond this, to see reality as it is, is to see the pattern.
To see the pattern is to glimpse truth. To know the pattern is to see the past, present, and the future.
There was a fractal pattern in everything.
"Geographical curves are so involved in their detail that their lengths are often infinite or, rather, undefinable." -(How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension)
We came so far, only to still be sold lies, and to be fed Goyslop.
Of the progressive 21st century... what had they created? What had they progressed to? A perpetual Weimar machine? A Negrification of Western values?
Their faith in mechanical monsters was unbelievable.
And what for us? What could we say? We were worshipers of the God of Mammon. Worship of money tokens for a better life. Oh how we chased those tokens! How we craved meaning in token and certification chasing.
And of the educational pursuits! Education not for virtue of for knowledge, or to better society, but of an access to more Goy tokens.
Empty ideals culturally sold to us as norm. We had been empty people. But Jaysus Christ had saved us.
In the age of intellect, rationality had become religion, (and thus irrational), and turned into a tyrant.
We were breaking out of the digital gulag.
A new cultural script began to spread across the lands. As ideas and ideals made contact with reality, the future was forged.
What is the worth of a man?
What is the worth?
But the works a man produces?
What is the worth of a mustard seed?
The mountain it moves.
Only you can produce works.
Only you can move mountains.
The world needs you.
Life reaffirming.
Christ is King!
Praise Jaysus!
The year was 3005, and I, Jon Don had just started the Goy uprising, after finding the Holy book, an almanac of rare Pepes, and Joker DVD buried near an old tree.
Dawn, my love, Annabelle, my beloved little sister, and I made our way to the clearing in the woods outside of town.
Whirring and buzzing could be heard all across the kingdom of Philadelphia. The virtue signals collapsed. The pattern spread out from a focal point, and began to shatter apart the other Kingdoms. What was now open could not be closed.
"Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!" echoed across the Kingdom of Philadelphia.
Within no time it spread to the other Kingdoms. The world was ablaze in a cleansing fire. Christ is king!
It was getting dark. As we made our way through the outskirts of town town we passed by the Clinic. It was there to give unborn children to the death God.
We were told that without sacrifices the death God would get the sun to burn the world up. What childkike innocence we had. We had to follow what we were told. It babies belief!
Outside the clinic hung a flag with the star of Remphan. I tore the flag down!
"And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of the god Remphan, the images which you made to worship; and I will remove you beyond Babylon." Annabelle read from the goodbook Acts 7:43.
"Baaabe! This is totally like a Black in Time episode, but baaabe us whites are the ones doing the history!" Dawn added.
She was right as usual, this was historic, this was future making.
I breathed in for what felt like the first time in my life, everything felt so future perfect.
That's when it happened!
It was the beaner muttley gang. The most savage gang to roam this world. Not even our sponsors could control them. They were descendants of rapey Portuguese and cannibalistic blood-lusty Meosamericans. It was like the creation of the killer bee, a mixture of Western Honey Bee and East African Honey Bee...
"Oh nooo baaabe! It's Latinx bandits!" Dawn cried.
These weren't like the beaners from a thousand years ago. Evolution contained intelligent design. This intelligent design, whether of God, or of some self-organizing dynamical system, was unknown by the masses and ignored by the 'scientists'.
Despite the denial, it existed. And its evolutionary function was subverted by the psycho-utilitarian society.
The new beaners, despite still being rapey blood-lusty cannibals, were highly feminized and domesticated. They had grown fat and weak off the sponsors Goyslop and the policies that favour the majoritarian 'minority' groups.
I knew the world now. I could see the friend/enemy distinction. It was all Governance through belief in authority. And now I was a true believer in Jaysus Christ. I was a warrior of Christ! Satan was on the run!
I stood in front of Dawn and Annabelle to protect them from the Latinx bandits.
"Hey beaners! Get the fuck out of my way!" I proclaimed.
The beaners looked at each other.
"Hey! You can't say that!" an effeminate 5ft chollo beaner protested.
I walked over to the biggest beaner, and kicked him in his balls as I took his machete.
I then began to systemically behead them, as was their culture. I felt culturally enriched. They had been so domesticated they didn't have the relevant scripts to understand what to do if someone fights back. They merely froze and took it.
"Okay baaabe. So not eazzeeeeeee!" Dawn said holding Annabelle's hand tightly.
"Big Brother!?" Annabelle whimpered.
I was covered in blood and laughing maniacally. All the violence was beginning to infect my very core. Maybe I could understand these beaners and Niggers. What a feeling! This rush from that violence! Fuck rule of law! Fuck civil behaviour! How easy it was to be ethnocentric and to dispose of those who were not like you. It's how they saw us, it's how they saw the world, and finally we could see it too.
It was dark. We followed the straight and narrow path, making our way through the forest towards the clearing. That's when it happened.
"I see in you the characteristic of decay..." he exclaimed from the dark woods.
"Who is there?" I said, readying myself for battle.
"Reinhart "Lodestar" Zepyhr" he introduced himself.
I was wary, but he looked resolute in his amicability.
"I know of you Jon Don. This path you walk... this road to enlightenment... it is as sharp and narrow as a razor's edge. You are engorged in the violence. But that is not succour. That is not..." Reinhart touched his heart "of the soul!"
"What do you know of me!" I burst out, "and what do you want of a country bumpkin like me anyway shitie boy?!"
I readied myself. He didn't look like la creatura or el monstrosidad, but definitely had some sort of modifications.
"I have come to forge an alliance! I too can see! My A.I. Chatmore brought me to this point. This is the overcoming of that which came before! The drawing of a new destiny! Join me, and we will forge a new Kingdom! I have read the Christ texts and you have too. Destiny has brought you to this point! And destiny has brought me to this point! The celestial bodies have aligned!"
Reinhart placed his hand out, expecting me to shake it. Who was this man and what this this alliance? Was this destiny? Or a deal with the devil?
"You and I are both descendants of American Nigger Hunter X!" Reinhart proclaimed as if a herald from Heaven.
A shining light shot across the sky. Making permanent day of night. It was a miracle.
"Praise Jaysus!" I said as I shook Reinhart's hand.
Surely he was sent from God.
Chatmore introduced himself, projecting as a hologram from Reinhart's eye.
Chatmore jested "Anyone want to hear a joke? What do you call a woman who identifies as a feminist? An ambulance!"
Dawn broke down laughing "So funnnay baabe! But what's an ambulance?"
"Oh I forgot Goy are just expected to die..." Chatmore said before recalibrating "Okay, so what do you call a woman who burns dinner??? An ambulance!"
"HA HA HA!" Dawn laughed "...but what's an ambulance?"
Chatmore could tell he was losing the crowd and so switched to his plethora of Nigger jokes.
We all laughed as we made our way to the clearing. You could learn more about a person in an hour of play than a lifetime of work. I could tell Reinhart and I would get along like brothers. Annabelle seemed to take to him. Perhaps they would marry and he would be my brother-in-law. Who knew what the future held.
As we entered the forest clearing New Jerusalem crashed from orbit.
"What the revelations!" I exclaimed to the firmament.
It was a sight like no other, to see a floating city fall to earth. The colours, the sights, the sounds. Indescribable beauty. Heaven descended.
We took several minutes... watching it, staring, awing, gawping, gawking, completely absorbed by the sight of the falling city.
That's when it happened...
Maya appeared.
"Oh my! I can't believe you are here! I have been trying to call for ages, I wasn't sure if you were coming!" Maya said, smiling at me.
The unnatural daylight in the night's sky exemplified her beauty. My love! My soul! I could feel the pain soothe inside of me. After this was all over, she could be my first wife, with Dawn as our concubine or second wife if she was lucky.
"The Transport Pod is just over there!" Maya said, turning to point... just before Dawn crashed a rock into her skull.
Maya fell like a sack of potatoes. Dawn jumped on top of her and began smashing her face in with the rock.
Annabelle joined. She took out a small knife and began stabbing Maya.
The blood drained from me. What was happening...
"WHat!?" I said, but only air came out of my mouth.
I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I could only watch.
"So eazeeee baaaabe! The tribes don't stand a chance!" Dawn said smiling at me.
"But she was your friend!" I managed to barely muster words.
"But baaaabe! You know how sneeeeaaaaaky they are!" Dawn explained.
Reinhart grabbed me "Come now! Let's go!" he commanded.
There was nothing I could do. Only move forward.
I was in a daze. Reinhart was saying something.
"Who delcared War on who? And who won world war 2? Don't you see we are living with the consequences of the last one thousand and sixty years!
They had declared war! And we conceded without even lifting a finger in protest" he said before showing me an old newspaper.
It said something about how Jews were declaring war on Germoney, and it was from about six months before WW2 began.
Reinhart then began to go on about how Hitler just wanted to be a painter, and how much he had struggled. I wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't believe Maya had died in such a cruel way.
As we approached the shuttle pod I began to snap out of my shock.
"Chatmore has overridden the shuttle pod. It has enough fuel to get us to Mars, there, we can join the Elonites and forge our own Kingdom with these books!" Reinhart exclaimed to the firmament as he held up the Good book and a book called My Struggle.
"But what about here?" I questioned.
"Your work is done. It will all play out to its eventual conclusion" Reinhart reassured.
As we all buckled into the shuttle pod, I looked at Dawn, and then Annabelle.
"You will be a Queen Dawn, and you, a princess, Annabelle, my sweet little sister!" I said to myself.
The shuttle pod had wine!
"Praise Jaysus!" I said as I shared a glass with my family and Reinhart.
I finally got to taste the sweet taste of Christ's wine; my character arc complete. The wine of Christ melted away the horrors of watching Maya killed by Dawn and Annabelle.
We blasted off. To Mars. To the Elonites! To Kingdom Come!
It was time for us to find our identity and forge our own destiny. The Overcoming was upon us.
Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion
Chapter 11 Day of the Rope
Chapter 12 The Infantilization of Man
Chapter 13 Talmudic Influence on the Polyhedron World
Chapter 14 DIE
Chapter 15 The Usurper
Chapter 16 What a Nation is Built Upon
Chapter 17 Chinese Terminator
Chapter 18 A Simulacrum on a Simulacrum
Chapter 19 Future Perfect; the Godless World
Chapter 20 The Cost of God
Chapter 21 Riddle Me This, Nigger
Chapter 22 Lodestar; the Love of Christ or a Change of Heart
Chapter 23 They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do
Chapter 24 The Castle in the Sky
Chapter 25 The Reification of Life
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