American NHX - Chapter 27 Pieces and Puzzles

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)

The putrid beast, what depths it goes. Look at the world and how much it has declined. Look at yourself! How much you have declined!

It was all so tiresome, yet the fire still burns inside your eyes.

At a glance all the major cities and all the major hubs were teeming with life. Ironically it was where there was the least amount of things to do where most people congregated.

One may look at all this activity and believe they are witnessing a rich, vibrant, and buzzing human life-force of interactions.
Consoomers chasing goods. But it was no longer the case that the daily grind of life necessitated the consoomption of commodities. Instead it was the consoomption of commodities that necessitated the daily grind of life.
Here we begin to see the simulacrum for what it was. The streets do not bustle with life as we believe with our initial cursory glance. The streets are instead haunted by the living-dead seeking to experience life once more through the consoomption of its image.

While denying the masses of the basics, the algorithms tell the masses what the "New Thing" to be consoomed is. And through craving the latest thing, (and seeking validation through the digital mob) the army of the living-dead marches forward in a state of eternal consoomption/progress, consooming/destroying everything in their path at any cost.

Such is the will of the easily controlled masses. I saw the fire behind their eyes. The desire to live. Yet the schematics, the outlines, the foundational core of which they were solely presented with only led to a deadend, a digital feedback loop; yes or no, blue or red, this brand or that, gay or straight, black or white, hate or love; everything digitized, everything homogenized, everything flattened. Interaction with reality via the substrate of the digital sphere, a ceaseless unliving; a modal confusion of trying to "be" by "having".
Reinforced by the system pigs.

"Muh DIK!" was what many lived for.
This was merely a function of living in captivity. They could not see the cell walls, or the jailers (who were both prisoner and warden). It was the final form of the concentration camp. Virtue signals monitored everything.

Certain species of monkeys are only observed masturbating when in captivity but not in nature. Many animals do masturbate, but not with the frequency of humans unless they are in captivity.
"Muh DIK!" human havings (not beings) forge a simulacrum of freedom from captivity through their "MUH DIK!" habits and events. But freedom to jizz is no replacement for freedom to live. To be or not to be. That was the question, and we chose not to answer it, but instead to drift slowly into a nightmarish hellscape draped in rainbow vomit and virtue signals. What could the atomized man do? De-atomize?

In the year 3005 why do they still keep some Whites around?
Innovation and science.
Western man used to tower over the rest of the world before his lands were overrun by foreigners (of whom the White man could not sustainably feed them all forever).
Western exploration, science, and conquest revealed the world to itself. Long after colonialism ended, and Western man had outlawed slavery and other barbaric practices, the other races still felt like subjects of Western power. It was only by totally decolonizing all Western influence could, for example, parts of Africa return to cannibalism and slavery.
The accusation of racism against the Whites who felt no hostility towards the foreigners, was met with bafflement, as they did not understand what they truly meant to the others; humiliation.
Through just existing and behaving in a civilized manner (and enjoying the fruits thereof), the White man presented an image of superiority even when he was not conscious of it, and this superiority excited envy. Destroying White civilization was the innermost desire of these envious leagues of designated victims called minorities.

White man was the global minority and he had succeeded in so many ways that no others had before him. The White man farmed the future; cold winters and skill at farming was White man's Darwinian selector. And even now in his most mediocre and mundane ways he towered above the rest. The White man was the fish in water that could not see the water, because he was surrounded by it. He could never understand the "other" looking in at him with such envy.

"We're all equal!" the White man believed in the boomerisms.

It was of the White man's ability to drive envy in others that set the Jew upon him... such was the story of our times... and of the last three thousand years... These are merely pieces and puzzles. The true mystery lies within the future past present.

Humanity last peaked intellectually probably around the late 1800s (the time of industrialization creating a lag effect across different regions/countries due to the effect of industrialization and medicine unbounding dysgenics from Darwinian selection).

After all the best of Europe was slaughtered in WW1 and WW2, dysgenics was increased tenfold. In the 21st century we were running on cumulative White knowledge and little else. Eventually we got to a point where there weren't enough intelligent Whites in developed countries to maintain innovation and production.

Evolution involved intelligent design and only accelerated, but it had been subverted by the psycho-utilitarians. White man's taxes paid for the world to eat (this prevented foreign farmers from being able to farm their futures, as they could not compete or run a farming business with all the free food aid sent by the Whites), and White man only saw in return ever increasing of taxes with constant decreasing of living standards until the final straw broke the camel's back (the cataclysm). Technological progress served ideology and was in many cases backwards. So called "Green" technology was an example of this. It was clearly an inferior technology that only existed due to subsidies and the ideological conviction of dysgenic midwits.

Through their boomerisms they falsely believed in a teleological view of progress, that we are on an inevitable course towards progress, but the reality was of a constant of cycles, of overcomings. And the collapsing civilization wanted to overcome without lifting a single finger. They were the last men.

Our civilization fell with the collapse of White-run nations, and the technology of the future was not of pioneering works of genius (raising the poorest to riches beyond the wildest dreams of Kings from not so long ago), it was of Judeo-social-credit, subscriptions, dependency on the electrical grid, smart-everything, and the dysgenic hordes of midwits fooled themselves into thinking they lived in a tech utopia.

The political "right" (part of the fake diametric blue team Vs red team strategy) of the time would call out Marxism, and open border immigration, yet they were never brave enough to say who was pushing these ideals; who was funding it? Who was funding the activist groups? Who was pushing the policies?

The idea of God's Chosen people is at its heart racist and supremacist. The Jews would push for racial separatism amongst their own while accusing other groups of racism.
It was Jewish behaviour and not mystical notions of "anti-semitism" that led to negative perceptions of the Jews. We were warned so many times before... but ours was a species of amnesia.
Coin clipping (usury) was the destroyer of civilizations, and once again our financial systems ran on it until the destruction... What we called late stage capitalism was in fact late stage Usury.
Inflation meant the money supply inflating. This was coin clipping. The system pigs pretended that inflation had nothing to do with inflating the money supply.

"The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have obtained from others by usury; it were best that they were compelled to worked so that they could earn their living instead of doing nothing but becoming avaricious - Thomas Aquinas (On the Governance of the Jews)

"But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. We must ever keep on guard against them." - Martin Luther (Table Talk)

"All the world suffers from the Usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor." - Pope Clement VIII (Caeca et Obdurata)

"All of the other people have committed crimes, the Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." - Voltaire (Lettres de Meemius Ciceron)

"The only statement I can make about the protocols [of the Elders of Zion], is that they fit in with what is going on." - Henry Ford (The American Axis, St Martin's Press)

"The government is full of Jews. Second, most Jews are disloyal. You know what I mean? You have a Garment and a Kissinger - and by God, they're exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on you." - Richard Nixon (1973 Tape recording between Nixon and Bob Haldeman)

"Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody, do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me"
- Michael Jackson (((They))) Don't Care About Us)

"Jewish people own Black voice" - Kan(Ye) West (NewsNation)

Racist and supremacist; God's chosen. Endless warnings, all ignored. It was unbelievable to the Western White man that a group could act so duplicitous. Ethnocentrism was beyond the White man's comprehension. He had forgotten it in the age of rationality, the enlightenment, where rationality became God, and therefore irrational to the human being. This led to the Boomerisms and false beliefs in the world such as the universal man; the idea we were all the same and could be transplanted globally without any cultural conflict or strife. What fools we were! And oh how repugnant the taste of the rapes, the murder, the terrorism, and the foreign violence on our streets. The universal man... utterly debunked, yet we still believed.

"Of course others are born with the innate knowledge that slavery and cannibalism is wrong!"

They couldn't see the truth that Christ had saved us. Christ had evolutionary molded us. Where was Christ we would ask, looking back at the dark times, seeing only one set of footprints in the sand, not knowing that Christ (the overturner of law tables, the Great Innovator, The Overcoming) was carrying us.

White man had been carved by evolutionary pressures to be more open compared with other subspecies of the animal homo sapien. This openness was White man's strength in innovation, trade, etc, but in the world that he built with that innovation, that openness became a weakness that was exploited by the envious groups.
The open man did not want others to call him not open (-ist or -phobe). Such was the White man's blind spot, and oh how the predators preyed upon and feasted upon!!!

The African Americans were fed Niggerball and jutting around. No education.

If you corrupt the kids you corrupt the future. They corrupted all the kids. State mandate. Hegelian dialectics preying upon the young, the unwise, the uneducated, the not taught. Education was subversion and propaganda. Kids just wanted to fit in. Who could blame them for joining cults and chopping off their bits? It was manufactured consent as the cool thing to do. And who funded this? And who funded the activists? The lobbyists? Who pushed the policies?

What was social justice? The persecution of farmers (the producers, the innovators)? 66 million Christian Russians killed by chiefly Jewish bolsheviks?
Social justice was cemented in paper by the Frankfurt (Frankists) school founded in the Weimar Republic. They had captured Germoney. The Germans knew what the Bolsheviks had been doing in Russia and eastern Europe. They knew what was in store for them. They knew the only option was to clear them out. In Weimar Germoney you could purchase child prostitutes at the Chemists. A paedophile invented the term Gender and began the Trans movement.
These paedo gender ideology books were the first books burnt by the Hitler Youth who said "NO!" to the degeneracy.

"You will not cut my dick off or steal my foreskin!" the young Nationalist Socialists proclaimed.

The man who invented civilization was the first man to throw an insult instead of a fist. This was an innovative psycho-technology; the insult.
It's only by willing to engage in verbal conflicts with each other can we gain peace and understanding. That is why they censored us. They wanted us divided. To never understand or laugh at each others differences.

The Boomerisms made people believe they were just boxing against a political opponent when they were in actuality at Total War with an enemy who wanted them and their children dead, and who thought it was funny.

The Boomerisms made them believe they were in the boxing ring exchanging blows with an opponent in a game with rules. They couldn't hear Radio Rwanda ("Kill All Whites"). They played by cold war calculus and wondered why their boomer truthisms led to nothing but more decay.
Power must coordinate, and oh how they coordinated against us!

Everything had a value. Money was worth time, and the God of time is Chronos aka Saturn. The Sabbatean Frankist Judeo God was Saturn. The Frankists were a satanic offshoot of Judaism (those who claim to be Jews but are in fact the Synagogue of Satan). They believed in the Jewish texts that God would create heaven on earth after everything falls to sin. And so they pushed sin across the globe. They were accelerationists; Satanic in nature by design in a somewhat whimsical ironic copium way to create a heaven on earth. They were the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world. Selling the world out to evil forces, and absolving themselves of the crime in defense of a "greater Good".

They used our monetary/economic system to steal our soul energy in the form of money and then transmute that energy into fueling the GloboHomo beast to bring upon the destruction of Amalek, and to give rise to their messiah (the anti-Christ), and to complete the enslavement of all Goyim.

I, American Nigger Hunter X, watched the world through monitors on the Judeo-Space Station that I now controlled.

"What a world!" I said out loud.

"Tell me about it!" Detective Blackman said.

I couldn't believe the el monstrosidads, the la creaturas and other "things" beyond my 21st vocabulary. I looked out the window and above the firmament. Out there in the voidness of space... Black cubes in translucent spherical orbs. The eye of Saturn.... Watching over from the Interdimensional prison, possessing the weaker the unwise, it seeks to break the bindings of the rings.

Detective Blackman and I both took a minute to stare out into the void. It had been a thousand years since we had seen each other. Last time I saw him he was falling to his death from the Steinbergoldsilverstein Tower. I had yet to ask him how he had survived. They never found his body. Much rubble from all that 80s explosive action led to the building's surrounding streets and pavements to be covered in debris.

"I have come to start a fire. What is it to me that all over the earth there is so much kindling?" I coolly said to Detective Blackman.

For all I knew he was a zombie, or a vampire, or some sort of immortal. So I had to one up him, as was the game of man.

"Happy Halloween Mother Fucker!" Detective Blackman replied as he pumped a shotgun, before continuing "Let's end this! Because I'm getting too old for this shit!".

We both laughed.

The fate of the world was in our hands.

American Nigger Hunter X and Detective Blackman Vs the Demiurge.

Who would blink first?

AmericanNHX - Copy.jpg

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion
Chapter 11 Day of the Rope
Chapter 12 The Infantilization of Man
Chapter 13 Talmudic Influence on the Polyhedron World
Chapter 14 DIE
Chapter 15 The Usurper
Chapter 16 What a Nation is Built Upon
Chapter 17 Chinese Terminator
Chapter 18 A Simulacrum on a Simulacrum
Chapter 19 Future Perfect; the Godless World
Chapter 20 The Cost of God
Chapter 21 Riddle Me This, Nigger
Chapter 22 Lodestar; the Love of Christ or a Change of Heart
Chapter 23 They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do
Chapter 24 The Castle in the Sky
Chapter 25 The Reification of Life
Chapter 26 Imperfect Symmetry