Thoughts After A Brisk Walk In Freezing Japan

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

I hope you are enjoying the Winter season. Temperatures are finally back to normal, freezing cold, here in Japan.

It's tough to brave this cold weather as someone who is from Southern California, but the wife says too much drinking and good eating has made me a bit doughy.

So I woke up this morning at 5am and walked 2.5 kilometers, which is only 1/3 of my daily movement goal.

That means I still have to walk another 5km today..... Lucky for me that's actually not very hard to do in a big city like Tokyo. Add in lots of stairs and I should shed the beer belly, spare tire, in no time!

Of course, the food is so good here, the drinks are so plentiful and everything costs a fraction of what it costs in Southern California, shedding that weight might not be a "steak walk".

Ok, I may have to join a gym because I am definitely not cutting down on eating the best beef in the world. Or I could load up my backpack and walk the 14 flights of stairs to get up to Shibuya Sky everyday. The views are definitely worth the climb.

Alas, there are no shortcuts and I know the answer.....

Thanks for reading!


the coldness must be something when you walking at 5 am in the morning on winter time in Japan. haha
nice to see you back my friend.

It's nice at first, but when the cold starts getting in under your jacket, in your shoes, around your neck it really starts to get annoying.

Thanks. May stick around for a while as our business season is winding down for the holidays.

Great to see you, my friend!

Thanks. Good to hear from you and for the curation! Been very busy with business and life, but always looking for shadows and reflections when I am out and about.

Greetings from Canada!

Ah, I must sound like a coward to you! How many feet of snow do you guys have??

A couple, the usual amount. Sticking around Tokyo for Christmas or back to Sanfran?

Be here for the holidays. Never miss them. Then back to So. Cal, then Tucson, then back to Japan. Our mineral business is growing so I'm staying in Japan longer these days.

Good for you!

I wonder what happens when/if Trump gets in on the 21st of Jan. I'm thinking buckle up..

There are two camps that I know of.

  1. Due to all the de-regulation he will institute, an economic boom will happen.

  2. Full blow civil disobedience, action to prevent him from doing much. The latter is already happening with pardons and "Trump proofing" allocated funds, ect.

Regardless, I'm just concentrating on growing my business in 2025. 2024 was awesome!

Hope all is well up there. You should come visit Japan, you'd fit right in with the amount of foreigners here! Kyoto was nuts a few weeks ago. Totally foreign city!

I'd probably prefer to go where fewer foreigners are..I remember when I lived there, sometimes the foreign clusters of people bring out the crazies at times. I'm thinking #2.