Goodevening everyone,how has been your day?I hope you really enjoyed your day?Glory be to God.
Each word for this week contest is an interesting one,thank to everyone who have be powering the POB-WOTW.Kudos to you people. In the going on contests,I don't want to be left out without Participating and that has make me to be thinking and meditating on how to use each word to create an article, although each word is a negative word,but one of the rules say"Write an article about something Positive it has brought to humanity.
Concerning the word PRIDE,we all know that pride is not a good character that even the Bible is against it. It is one of the deadly sin that got Satan into trouble,which make him to lose his place in heaven even till now. When he wanted to exalt his throne above God. But I have seen how the word PRIDE has changed someone life and her people in the scripture.
In the book of Esther chapter 1 vs 10-12,the king Ahasuerus was so happy,merry with wine and he gave a command that Queen VASHTI should be brought before him with her crown Royal to show the people and the princes her beauty,but Queen VASHTI refused to show up by the time the message was delivered to her.We cannot actually tell the reason why she refused to show up..As a result of her disobedience to the King command,the king was very wroth and his anger burned in him.
Hmm...This queen attitude weaken the king heart and not only him, but also the people that were with the king when the incident happened.And Memucan told the king and the princes,that what VASHTI the queen has done was not only to the King she did it to,but also to all the princes and to all the people that are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus.
An advise was given to the King that inorder not to allow this Queen VASHTI habit not to spread among women,let the King give her royal estate unto another that is better than her and a decree was published throughout the empires.
This VASHTI attitude promoted Esther,a Jewish lady to become the next Queen,who never thought in her life that she would be a King's wife and because Esther was in that position,she could rescued her own people (Jews) from the hand of their enemy (Haman) who hated the Jewish people wanted to eradicate them in that hand.
Now let us consider the darker aspect of the word PRIDE. PRIDE brings decreasement, deposition. Even God Himself resist the proud people and give much grace to the humble. The pride that was in that Queen heart caused her to lose her place in the palace. The Bible says Pride goeth before Destruction.HUMBLENESS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HIGHER LEVEL.
If you have time,you can read more from the book of Esther.
Thanks for reading.Coming up with another article for another word.