Is tomorrow (Sept 23rd) a significant day for the powers who shouldn't be?

in Proof of Brainlast year (edited)


Have been aware for a few years now that Sept 23rd is a date which is mentioned many times in films and TV series in a way that goes far beyond coincidence. Knowing how television, films & media are used today as a mechanism for augmenting the way we think with predictive programming, could it be that we have been mentally prepared for something significant to happen tomorrow?

Just prior to covid, Netflix pushed their documentary Pandemic relentlessly on their home page and I remember thinking at the time how it was odd the way they adjusted their usual algorithms to promote Pandemic above all other films for a period of many months.

Needless to say I ended up watching it as a consequence and the conclusion to the documentary and proposed solution to any future pandemic was of course worldwide vaccination.


The documentary was released in Jan 2020 and I would argue that a huge number of people were more accepting of the vaccine exclusively because of this, without even being aware of it. Because that's how TV programming works. It programs YOU.

So in reference to the date Sept 23rd what we can see is that the numbers 23/9 and 9/23 have come up over and over during the last 50 years.

Here is Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura saying "Captain's log star date 23.9"

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 07.23.10.png

While here he is as the Cable Guy with the same number on a door behind him.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 07.24.56.png

And let's not forget his film The Number 23 in which he plays a man tormented by this number.



George Clooney tells us in the opening sequence of Tomorrowland that "the future can be scary" just as we see this countdown clock displaying 9/23.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 11.03.46.png

Here is David Bowie in Labyrinth telling us "In 9 hours and 23 minutes you'll be mine".

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 11.07.44.png

Here is the Terminator entering a door with the number 239 in the sequence.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 07.44.15.png

Here is a shot from Matrix Revolutions.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.08.02.png

Didn't see anything? Look closer.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.08.52.png

You may laugh and call it a coincidence but there really are a lot of these references and having worked in Hollywood on a feature film (Snatch) I can assure you that no detail is left to chance.

Sometimes the reference is to the date itself, like we can see in the opening words from Little Shop of Horrors.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 06.28.49.png source

Even Homer Simpson shows us this combination of numbers on a few occasions.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 08.49.45.png

Come on Homer, you can do it!

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.31.24.png

Sometimes it's really subtle and there is no way you would notice it consciously at the time. Like in this great music video where a woman throws a phone in slow motion showing the numbers 239.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 07.40.11.png

Music videos in particular seem good at dropping us hints of the number in the background.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 11.16.29.png

Here is a clip from a documentary featuring the Queen of England and Prince Harry telling her that the man wearing 239 went on to win the race.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 08.52.04.png

The list is pretty endless to be honest so I will leave it at that.

All the youtube clips I have shown you are from this video:

Final thoughts

You may perhaps be wondering why the 'powers who shouldn't be' would care about creating mass panic on a certain day of the year? Well that would be because certain days, like tomorrow which is an Equinox (night & day same length) hold a significant amount of energy which can be harnessed and used to the advantage of humans. Something we used to understand much better in the past before this knowledge became reserved only for our controllers and the fringe members of society who intuitively know what to do.

Videos like the one above have been coming out for the last five years and on every occasion nothing in particular happened on Sept 23rd. So there is very little evidence here to suggest this year will be any different. I just thought it was interesting and certainly it makes me feel a little bit excited about tomorrow!

Which is never a bad thing.

Could be that we get our long awaited fake alien invasion? I'll be making the popcorn for that one!

Or perhaps a fake solar storm creates a global power outage?

Or perhaps just the internet will go down?

Or what about the cyber attack which will perhaps just affect major websites?

All these things and plenty more I can think of would be extremely entertaining for my family and I!

In truth I don't give this kind of stuff much air time in my mind and it is my aim with posts like this one to make sure you and your family can say the same thing if events like the ones I have described above should come to pass, tomorrow or any other day of the year. Nothing to stress about if you are prepared.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


The two art images were made by myself and the midjourney bot. Prompts available on request.


Here we go! 23-9-23! I got inspired and created this artwork ❤️
Whatever today brings, the light is always there ❤️

Nice! Thanks for the image. What did you use to make it? Midjourney is rubbish at letters and numbers so I always have to add those afterwards.

It occurred to me that 9/23 might actually refer to the ninth month of the year '23. So we still have a week left! And what I can say about this month is that DEWs are now being used in multiple countries to create fires which are being blamed on global warming. Like they have stepped up their game somewhat, showing people how 'resistance' is met now. And perhaps it is time to paint our roof blue!

Thank you! It's not easy to work with numbers and letters on Midjourney, I understand. I managed to get results with the prompt using "number 23," but it seemed to ignore "number 9." I assume that if I had used "number 9" first, it might have ignored "number 23" so I used PhotoScapeX to amend the artwork.

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they were capable of manipulating even the weather. Whatever they do, it seems they are using fear as a powerful weapon as well. Fear operates at a low vibrational frequency, and to bring about positive change in the world, increasing the collective vibrations is crucial.

Appreciate the breakdown.

PhotoScapeX hey. Looks great. Potentially better than gimp. Will check that out. Many thanks!

Cant wait for the aliens, its gonna be hard to keep a straight face on that one. lol

You know it! They will have the best CGI experts working on it to make it all look realistic. It won't be much different to a live-time Hollywood production with scripts, paid actors & big budget effects. Gonna need a lot of popcorn ;)

I thought it was the 22nd September which I ought to watch out for. Then I forgot all about it as I was down with bad food poisoning on the 21 September! Yes, the solstice and it’s a religious day for Buddhists. I observed that whenever something bad was going to happen, my health would suffer. It’s because lots of people were doing very bad woodoo in big groups which certainly would affect me in a way. That’s why I keep stones on me most of the time. If the stones broke, that became a bad sign. But I try not to be obsessive about this as I believe good intention and vibes would protect us. My healer friend told me not to give bad thoughts more energy, so I tried not to talk about it.

There’s a cyber attack at Las Vegas about two weeks ago! All the casinos went haywire and hotel doors wouldn’t open; they were controlled by computer. So the manual system seems much safer.

Here I had met well educated elites with the company name 322 Consultants; they were in plain sight telling people their connections to the Skulls and Bones, one was from Harvard. They tried hard to recruit me so I just disappeared from that high society circle. So many people are involved with the Freemasons; some young politician just flaunted the pyramid symbols. Some are still low level initiates; lots of professional people are probably blackmailed too.

I read in passing that there would be a simulation of a new disaster sometimes this month or in November which should take effect early next spring, near the equinox again.

I try to be aware of the feeling of fear and anxiety as these are what they wanted as their fuels. It’s love and compassion that would conquer all and heal all. This storm of love and compassion would melt their negativities into oblivion. When this energy actually came, I could feel that some strange changes took place in my country. I must try to get into this mode again. I could even zoom into focus of some issue or group of people who were quietly corrupting the system. It was as if my wish came true in terms of exposure of the truth, but sadly some people got killed in the process. That’s all very karmic.

The mind is very powerful and I have better learned how to navigate this correctly. There’s so much uncharted space in the mind which is full of strange potentials.

I have given up trying to save my families and friends about the danger from their jabs and the need to detox as much as possible. Next year would be much worse than 9/11 event. I have no way to convey the high probability of danger to those around me. They would be too afraid to listen to the bad news.

Take care.

Hope you got the cotton shoes or soft suede shoes, and CDS for healing. It isn’t advisable to have open pores in your soles all the time. The pain could signal a warning, as being taught in Chinese medicine. You got to treat your feet with respect too. Heal them properly first then you could go around in cotton Tai Chi shoes, in cotton socks or bare feet again.

Awesome words as always. Thank you 🙏

Sounds like you have lived an amazing life already. Happy you turned 322 Consultants down!

My healer friend told me not to give bad thoughts more energy, so I tried not to talk about it.

I do agree with this but there is a fine line when we also seek to educate others. Like this post for example, it could be seen as a bad thought which I am giving energy to. From my perspective it doesn't feel that way however and I believe it is possible to write about such things while still holding on to the love in our hearts.

This storm of love and compassion would melt their negativities into oblivion.

Wonderful! And to think that you saw an effect in your country. Imagine what a whole group of people like you could do!

There’s so much uncharted space in the mind which is full of strange potentials.

Very true. Exciting to see where we will go with this...

Thanks for mentioning my feet and the cotton socks again. Weirdly, ever since I learned about these and the calendula cream, the pain disappeared completely and they are recovering perfectly on their own now. It's all about that uncharted space in the mind I think. Just the intention to fix them (and the knowledge of how) begins the fixing process. I will do my best to look after them in future. The Universe has in fact already presented me a simple way to avoid having wet feet every day which I will write more about in a future post. A life in which I don't have to water my plants every day will be a life with a lot more time in it! What a joy to imagine...

Oh! Calendula is very special. We don’t have this herb here. So, we have to look for some herbal ointments.

Yeah. It took me some time to understand what my healer friend meant. It’s the aspect of detached compassion which was missing from my worry on some negative issues. I just had to remind myself to be mindful.

Still it’s very difficult to find someone who could share my thoughts and concerns on an ‘equal’ basis. This is a lonely path chosen by a few. It takes a lot of courage to see reality with all its complexity. Most of my friends just couldn’t accept all changes to their lifestyle as a result of seeing all the facts. So, radical changes would be very difficult.

You might find this rather interesting.

Excellent! You know me well.

I did find it interesting. Especially the way they are now collaborating with Cliff High to check their information alongside his computer data. Incredible they have been doing this so long and even called 9/11 before it happened, without realising it at the time. Have joined their website for a 7 day trial period and was up late last night watching one of their videos. The big event they mention seems like it will happen some time between six months and one year from now. Unless, like they say, enough humans wake up to their true powers and change the current trajectory to be something much more beautiful.

I hope for the best and pray for divine intervention.

The final portion of this video brings to mind Michael Pollan's book, How to Change Your Mind. As I believe the criminalization of drugs is a strategy used by the powerful Elites to serve their own interests.

Looking forward to a day chilling at the river beach, in case the Internet goes down tomorrow.

Nice. That's the way to play it :)

Enjoy your day Vincent!

Catchy title! Not worth the head space. How many years have people been freaking out about that date. Surely something will happen some year but best to be prepared irrespective of specific days the powers that shouldn't be try to terrify the masses over

I do enjoy how the people of this platform seem much more prepared than most for a wide variety of potential futures. And in truth I probably didn't need to make this post. Am just a big drama queen at heart and couldn't help myself ;)

Yawn....and today is the next day....what to do - what to do....alphabetize the spices perhaps

Lol. That sounds about as far from my life as I can imagine.

Mine too! Which makes it that much funnier

Indeed, there is so much power in numbers. I learned this when I first visited Australia and met with a few Aboriginees. It was fascinating to witness how they approach life based on astrology, numerology etc.

The last image is so good. Gosh, if one can see behind the veil and spot these false flags, the whole game becomes utterly ridiculous. In regards to aliens, UFOs and Co.: Have you listened to Dr. Steven Greer's latest interview with Brian Rose on LondonReal? His updates about the current state of the hearings in the US is very good. I'll provide the official link below in case you want to listen in:

BTW, tomorrow (Sep. 23) Dr. Joe Dispenza has organized the first 'Walk for the World'. An amazing initiative imo. Here's the official link:

It was fascinating to witness how they approach life based on astrology, numerology etc.

This is fantastic! Would love to learn more about that.

I had a look for the Steven Greer interview and it would seem that LondonReal use Rumble as their video hosting platform, which is now illegal in France. So I can't watch it without setting up a VPN! The more websites which do this to me the more likely I am to get that done.

Have registered with Dispenza's Walk for the World. Downloading the meditation now and looking forward to doing it right away. As long as my family stay asleep...

There is a specific time for all countries to participate in the meditation, with the aim of raising the collective vibration, increasing the frequency, and promoting healing, among other benefits. In London, it starts at 3 pm, so I assume it will be 4 pm your time!

Unfortunately I had a sudden attack of tooth pain in the afternoon which was very odd. Feel fine today but during the meditation period I was not in a fit state to relax my mind.

Don't worry! He is planning to conduct more meditations. His mission is to unite people, walk one mind and one heart, emerging as a higher consciousness- and together embodying the energy of change.

Excellent. Well, I am on his mailing list now so will look out for the next one.

Certainly it feels as if this is the most useful thing a person could be focusing on at this time.

If we want to see a change in the world, we have to change ourselves first.🙏❤️

It's definitely worth getting a VPN. If you want a more private one, check out Mullvad VPN. They're super flexible, affordable and you can even pay in crypto (BTC, BCH and XMR). A more "mainstream" VPN but also decent is Proton VPN. You get 3 countries for free: NL, USA and Japan.

Brian (Rose) has been deplatformed again (!) from YT a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, he uses Rumble. The interview with Doc Greer is really good. Jam packed with information.

Thanks! I am on protonmail already so will likely take advantage of the 3 three countries which should be enough to get me in to Rumble.

Yes I saw Brian was deplatformed again from the multiple emails in my inbox asking me to tweet the message out! All the best people get kicked in the end. Honestly I am surprised he lasted as long as he did.

I wanted some advice from you, it's not related to your current post.
I wanted to buy the dowsing rods and found these on Amazon. Can you please let me know if they are good to be purchased. They are a pair of two
I have also been checking on the antenna designed by you, want to get for my garden. Is there any source from where I can purchase and what is it exactly called
image.pngHello @samstonehill

The dowsing rods look good to me. I guess I should tell you however that personally I just bought copper wire. And I use two pen cases (with the insides removed) to hold the rods. Doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just copper wire with holders. Once you get good at it you don't even need the holders. Once you get really good at it you won't even need the copper! You will just feel the answers.

For the antenna, I don't think anyone is making them like this. But again, it won't take much effort on your part to create this at home. Copper pipe, copper wire, zinc plated screws. For this one I am also using galvanised steel wire at the top.

I bought my first antenna from Yannick Van Doorne's website after which I felt confident to make my own.

If you are looking for something more complex I recommend Shardana Geometries.

Have fun!

Thank you for these tips. Sorry I thought I replied to you, but then realized I had not.
To start with I think I will go for a simple Dowsing rod. I will also try to make it myself.
I checked the Yannick website, there is some good stuff there.
The Shardana one, can you please check on the link as the page is not opening.
I have some time, but I need to do these things for my Garden. If I can buy it, easier for me.

If I can buy it, easier for me.

Totally understood.

Try this link for Shardana Geometries:

He doesn't show prices on his website however and it seems like you must connect privately to discuss this. I am in contact with him every day on Telegram so I am sure he will get back to you quickly if there is something there you like the look of.

This is helpful. Thank you for sharing @samstonehill

I'll be getting the popcorn ready.
Like I said before, nothing surprises me anymore. Watching everything unfold already has been crazy really. Who knows what's coming next.
Can only imagine the reaction, if aliens came. Xxxx

Makes me think of War of the Worlds. It was originally written as a radio show which confused many people when it was aired, believing it to be real. It's kinda like we remember something from our distant past, an invasion of sorts from the sky. And this deep forgotten fear can effectively be used against us. Though it feels like it will be the last resort, when all other tactics have failed.

Ironically, the more people like us spread the message of truth, the more people wake up and the more likely it becomes than an extreme event will be used against us.

Will check in with the news at the end of today but I doubt anything will have happened. My dowsing rods tell me something big will happen in December but it won't affect us here. And it won't be an alien invasion! Just had to check ;) xxx

Interestingly I watched Pandemic because Netflix certainly bombarded us. I did not trust it as I had also seen by the Event 201 and did a bit of researching. I feel I am readyfor just about anything. It is only to ensure that I can protect my loved ones. Let's see whether something/anything happens today.

Well, sitting here on the 24th it would seem that nothing in particular happened yesterday but with that said it occurred to me that 23/9 might be referring to Sept 2023, so we actually still have a week left.

Certainly we can say 'they' have become more brazen in their use of DEWs to create fires over the last few months with Greece/Hawaii/California being a few on the list.

Anyway, I am very happy Netflix was not able to program you to do something stupid. And like you I feel ready for whatever comes my way. We will re-stock our emergency food supply next week, so that we are well stocked for the winter. Last time we stocked up was four years ago and most of the stuff is out of date now! Something else I have been enjoying is getting a (solar powered) ipad full of books, in case of a power outage. If the internet goes down there will be a lot more time for reading :)

Yes - I am happy I watch it though - then I could do the opposite.😀 That is a thought - thé month of September is not yet over.

Good plans you have made - alrr see p for reading. Best to o be prepared and nothing happens. Although there has been talk about a cyber attack - so we’ve been warned.

Best to be prepared and nothing happens


I see a little "é" in your typing. Are you french? Living in France?