Nice idea! Was not aware of water retaining polymer till this moment.
In truth I will enjoy having to water it every few days, giving me a regular opportunity to observe closely how it is looking.
This morning it is looking great! No change to the brightness after 24h.
Am curious to know if you caught any of my electroculture posts? As someone who grows food on a much greater scale than myself, the techniques I have described over the last few months could really benefit your farm.
I've been following along and am intrigued by what you've been doing. It'll be interesting to see your results over the next few months. I'll admit it's hard for me to see doing the electroculture at scale (like acres) but I could see making it work in select smaller areas. I till my soil completely each spring so would have to install when I do the irrigation.
If you were talking about trees a basic copper wire Lacovsky coil at the base of each one wouldn't take too long, though by the sounds of things that's not what we are talking about.
For long distances the magnetised cables are unquestionably the best because one set of magnets will keep the cable magnetised for miles and miles, as long as it heads towards magnetic north. How deep do you till? I think these cables can be up to 50cms deep to maintain best effect
The way I plant my garden the rows are spaced 3 feet apart and plants 1 foot apart in each row. I till the entire space as deep as I can which right now is about 1 foot or 30cm. I think initially I can do a coil on each of my two cherry trees as I don't mess with the ground around them. I have a bunch of copper wire, tubing, and even braided from shielded coax to work with.