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RE: In the face of mandatory vaccines the people of Vienna stand united!

Howdy brother! So good to hear from you again! I mentioned you in a post I made last week and didn't hear anything back so was thinking about you.

I'm making acorn bread these days, with your starter!

How we doing over here? Perfect thank you. Prepping as best I can and learning many new skills. The family are all great. Currently in Marseilles for the weekend, giving me a bit of peace in the house!

What about you? Major life changes sound... major! Sometimes we just need to do these things.


Hey nice to hear that you're doing perfect. Today we are good as well, We escaped kanada and moved to Mexico, apparently the freest country in the world currently. I had to go to extraordinary measures to get myself and my family here. Long story, tell you someday.

No way! That is excellent news. You made the right decision. I know many good people in Mexico now and honestly, I've considered moving there myself. Let's see how things progress in France...

Congratulations my friend. Enjoy the new climate! Think you will need to change your avatar ;)