Achieving Lust gives the opportunity to either stay or leave.{POB-WOTW S4}.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It could feel sad when you discover all you have invested your time and energy in someone you really love had just been Lust.

Then! most stories goes;
“We dated for just few months; and now we are separated I did really felt something real about us but it was just LUST. It was practically about the sexual world🤦‍♂️”.

Lust most times gives room to love or just ghost someone you really desire.

The feeling of falling into the trap of lust got most people psychologically diversified about who to trust or better still been single forever.

Lust becomes sweet when you triggered the action but gets bitter when you are the prey.

One big fact I know is;
when you get attracted by an opposite sex, the feelings of lust comes first. But it can always be used in positivity by joining two souls before God forever or just for the desirable part of it.

Lust is just the desire; we are always in control to pick the positive side of lust or the negative side.

I believe it’s actually normal having a sexual desires towards someone. But not getting to know them first before getting yourself on there beds is just the beginning of LUST.

This is what most blind dates, call the one night stand after presentation.

Image credit

Most relationships have really suffered under the influence of lust within there bond; by external desires out of there relationship and that’s why divorce are really rampant this days and lawyers keeps making it big in the industry.

Before the 21st centuries, history has it that our forefathers struggled to keep there families together and not even the ‘seven deadly sins’ could break there bonds.

When you over come lust towards someone especially your partners; it gives unnecessary misunderstandings and unnecessary drama in the relationship.

    Lust comes sweet and bitter; we have the freedom to pick a side.

The End.

Thank you for reading.

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It’s so sad that most children don’t even know their biological father just because it the lustfulness of their parents, this won’t end here, people will keep falling for the lust of the flesh until the second coming of Jesus Christ

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You have said pretty well brother.

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