Why are you here and why do you stay?
I'm here to interact and learn the writing craft. It seems to calm my nerves a bit by letting my thoughts wander and then writing those thoughts down. It's very calming. I have no issues with coming up for material though I tend to lean towards STEM more often than not.
Do you think prostitution should be legalized?
Prostitution is legalized in some countries. I think Spain is one of them. And if it looks like a duck, walks and talks like a duck, then it is a duck. Perhaps another word for prostitution in some countries is pornography, but that's a separate topic I think.
I think there are plenty of men and women who use their appeal for money in intro posts with your sand bags hanging out or a dude trying to flex his muscles doesn't do it for me but if it does it for someone else, shrug....to each their own but think most of the Hivers and Pob people don't buy that route , just an observation.... I personally am not gonna go into how I feel about prostitution or porn because I feel through porn things it's gotten so depraved and weaponized to further dismantle any sense of looking at people other than meat bags and not human, pathetic really imho.
I did a few tongue in cheek and lampoon type comedic posts but used to get really weird dm's and am like.............first off am a woman (not that they care) and secondly I figured out how a select few rocketed in a few months to high reps which is why I sorta try to ignore the rep number on most as you can basically buy it , is what it is I guess