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RE: The Elephant in the Room, POB's future?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Hello. I'm just wondering if you still feel the same way:

No. Under no circumstances. If two users want to downvote each other and fight about reward distribution with their stake, they can go ahead and do it. This is my opinion on the matter.

I've recommended it for users that plagiarize multiple times on POB. They neither respond back to my comments or refuse to acknowledge the error despite the evidence presented. Other issues I've found to date:

  • multiple counts of plagiarism
  • reposting deleted posts
  • reposting artwork from other authors

There aren't a lot of people looking for this on POB. There is no way for me to reduce the number of times this occurs outside of a mute.

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Yes, I feel that the downvote is a part of the system and "can" be used. I personally don't use it unless there is blatant phishing scams going on.

I feel that if I were legit spamming the network to mine crypto that I would not act in an upright manner when called out. I would keep my head down and mine. You, or others like you are just bumps in the road from their perspective.

I am not sure the best way to deal with it. I do know that accounts like yours or mine will get a much larger piece of the reward pool pie than spammers.

Can we fix the system beyond this? Not sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta