I appreciate your response. I'm actually at ease now that you replied. I felt it was a good topic to share under your tag. I didn't have the time to seek someone out to see if it was okay due to kids and school today.
I'll be adding at least two more posts to those tags. One of them involves people being executed who were later found either innocent or there existed evidence to cast doubt on their guilt. The other involves Thorium use.
Yes, please feel free to add #informationwar tag to any posts that align with the topics in this post. https://hive.blog/@informationwar/about-the-decentralized-truth-movement-and-informationwar
Do you have a link to the discord channel your purpose mentions?
Sure thing, here's all our info.
Manually curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded
Thank you very much
Wow. I had no clue. Almost every single STEM, environment, and true crime post I've made could fall into this category. Amazing. Thanks for sharing the link.