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RE: The Power of Fear (POB WOTW #005)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

My philosophy is that it will happen if it is supposed to occur. I will tell you this: I made a call, and my life changed irrevocably.

My travels have sent me from outside the USA and then between Maine and Florida and some southern states like South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

I ended up in California after picking up a job here. The place was beautiful with, apparently, no winter. I recalled some brutal winters I spent working outside. I felt it was quite amazing to be in such a location. One evening, I remembered a friend of mine. We had spent countless hours with each other. I gave her a call and invited her over to see how excellent this place was. The rest is history.

She's given me endless indigestion, headaches, two beautiful sons, and a life of love and passion I wouldn't trade for the world.

Sometimes, it happens with a simple gesture. The trick is that sometimes you must initiate it.

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I must initiate change in the main aspects of my life. Yes, and then it will occur.

Have a wonderful Sunday all of you!

Have a wonderful Sunday as well!