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RE: Why Most People Will Never Be Self-reliant

Excellent point here. I especially love the bit about normalcy hating you and the one about things being made to be in your way. It's so true.

Tell me about it... and the taxes too, I'm doing this homesteading thing in New York state so I know about taxes and the price of getting grid!!!

But as you read here I feel like you, I mostly know what the speakers had to talk about, but still I did enjoy myself there, and I went with my wife who also is into this stuff.

Thanks for that comment.


You got a wife that is into this stuff! That is so lucky.

The death of many a man, who could have escaped, will be, "I don't want chickens, i want handbags".

And I feel very lucky for that reason!!! She still gets handbags tho 😁

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