How much do we know about loneliness?

How much do we know about loneliness?

Did the Creator send man alone when mankind came to this world right after the birth of this world? Can we humans be alone on earth? The answer will come - I can't. You may agree with me that no human being can live alone in this world. There are clever people around him who have to keep pace with everyone. There are two kinds of people on earth who have been sent to earth.

He created a companion for the first man on earth to end loneliness. Not just people; No creation in the created world is alone. In this great world, no animal, no creature, no instrument lives alone, everyone lives with his family, his society, just as there is a sociality in human beings, there is a sociality in everything, there is a social system, they do not live alone They have survived in this world through the union of life


We humans do not want to be alone in this world. Very few people in this world want to choose a life of loneliness and live it alone. Someone is forced to be alone because of the situation. At some point the situation loses people. Suppose you are in a position where you are currently in a place where you have no family or relatives. You have to choose a life of compulsive loneliness, again some people choose a life of loneliness voluntarily because it involves a life plagued with various problems. Those who want to enjoy a lonely life or loneliness or know how to do it can cross the unknown and mysterious sea called life.

When does loneliness come to a person?

We don't usually understand when loneliness comes in a person's life. When I understand, it is too late. When we try to understand the life of oneness, when we realize that something has changed in us, then sometimes there is a time in life when we have to be alone even if we don't want to. Maybe not for life, but as long as you have to be alone, maybe for months or years or for a long time. Again, sometimes alone for life. This loneliness life is created in people at a time when there are very few people in this world due to society and various reasons. They choose a life of loneliness. Everyone wants their family to lead their life in harmony with the society and the state.

Mentally when someone has a social relationship or bond with someone they hope for, wants to communicate with and wants to blend in but doesn't get him according to the depth of his desire, he hopes to get from a society that if something like that happens this time When he doesn't get it, he gets into trouble. In the middle of the trouble, he gets angry and tends to be alone. People always want to communicate with each other. If he can't communicate, then the kind of trouble that is created in his mind is that he wants to do some work in the society, he is not allowed to do that work properly in the society. It creates feelings and it creates loneliness.

The feeling of loneliness comes only when we negatively accept being alone. This feeling then breaks us from within. Eats slowly. He can't do anything he wants to do that will bring out those hardships and feelings in front of everyone. In fact, a situation comes up and he spends his life in a way that we who are normally moving around the world don't understand. Everyone chooses a life of loneliness for one reason or another. If for some reason it makes it harder and harder, then there is nothing more pleasurable in his life than that. No one knows

Did you know that we face many problems in our life? The dangers that come to us are the things that Yamaha didn't expect. The shots come and make our lives miserable. We want to save our lives from the problems we want to face. When we can't solve the problems, we want to save ourselves. Feels lonely, feels insignificant to myself. Loses interest in survival. Then it seems that I have no power to make my own in this world. I am helpless in this world. I have nothing to do. Whenever we think like this, we feel helpless. We don't want to live in this world. I am losing interest and have to face the situation where everything is getting ruined day by day

So we have to keep in mind that the more we indulge in loneliness, the more it will consume us. The more we think of him as our own, the more we will keep him away, the more we will keep him away. Loneliness will play a role. Life is not good in any way. In order to save yourself from loneliness, you have to save yourself in this way. When it comes, you will feel that you need to be mentally strong and enjoy it. This loneliness will make your lonely life very enjoyable and necessary. When you make this trouble your own, you will understand peace and tranquility. We can never understand what we will or will not do in the moments of loneliness.

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Loneliness isn't a good thing if my opinion is asked, because loneliness has send many people to their early graves, how? Loneliness is mostly attached with bad situation like thinking especially when something bad has happened to someone which will probably not yield a good results,

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