A world with values or conscience

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

The value of the human being, this is something very important, because we are responsible for giving value to our lives and we also have the responsibility to show those values ​​to our environment.


A person without meaning in life and without values, unfortunately does not get anywhere, because only you are capable of making a change for you and yours, it is true that there are cultures and traditions that perhaps make people see from another perspective , but it is in one to be of example or to be of repudiation.

Values ​​exist and are of utmost importance for humanity, remember that they are the fundamental principles and are the way to live in harmony, our behaviors and attitudes make a difference in every human being, it depends on you, if you want to be remembered in a positive way or negatively.

Since we were little, they teach us values ​​at school, we know them by heart, but ... do we put them into practice? Being a fair, loving, respectful, and ethical person in a world that is a bit unstable, is sometimes something that is usually difficult, because of the temptations, the bad advice and the bad ways are always there waiting for you to fall.

They imagine a world where no one was interested in values, it would be worse than what we live today, deaths, robberies and fights were more common than we see.

Values ​​are like those pillars that sustain humanity, a person without education, but with values ​​can make a difference in this world, there are great people who can have everything, but they do not have this meaning in life, they do not care with the Other people and they live only for their own benefit, these types of people are those who promote movements against humanity and who are happy with the misfortunes that occur even having the power to calm many crude realities worldwide.


What is the use of having a lot of power and being an important person, if in the end you are hated by the vast majority of people, if maybe you can't sleep thinking about those things you could change, but because of your ego and lack of empathy, you don't. You did, people who perhaps show a happy face but live tied to regrets and cannot achieve happiness in a world that could have changed but did not do it because no matter how much education and knowledge they have, they do not adopt the main thing which are their ethical values and moral, its fundamental principles.

Human value is described as the soul that activates your functions, that caresses every moment of your life, that makes you feel satisfaction with the smallest things in life, that generates a feeling of peace and harmony.

In everything you do there will always be a moment where you will demonstrate those values ​​that you have, even in this place by writing, because you can show what you feel, what you think, what you learn, what you are reading ... or you can simply cheat and lie. and take an article from another person and paste it in this place thinking that it is the easiest and fastest way to generate something, without realizing that at some point you will be discovered and you will be left as a false person, you will damage your reputation and there will be no way to that you can change that.
Technology allows you to hide your face, it allows you to be a deceiver, but when you look in that mirror or when you sleep, it is only you and your conscience and sometimes it will not let you rest, reminding you of the reality in which you live and that you can. be discovered at some point. You can fool everyone except yourself.

This I read days ago and it caught my attention.

They asked the great Arab mathematician Al-khwarizmi about the value of the human being and he replied ...

If you have ethics, then its value is = 1
If you are also smart, add a zero and its value will be = 10
If he is also rich, add another 0 and it will be = 100
If above all that, he is also a beautiful person, add another 0 and his value will be = 1000
But, if you lose the 1, which corresponds to the ethics, it will lose all its value, since only the 0 will remain.

This left me thinking so much that I decided to write about human value, without ethics or solid principles we are nothing, only a group of criminals, corrupt and bad people that would be.

Your value is not in what you possess, but in who you are, you will not be remembered for your wealth, but for how you made them feel and how much value you contributed to humanity and your loved ones.

We must work on ourselves and not expect other people to change and do everything, we are responsible for what we want to leave as a legacy.

Let's put into practice those values ​​that will make a difference in us and in the lives of others, without expecting anything in return, always with the satisfaction that your soul will be at peace and you will be able to sleep peacefully, without your conscience reminding you of bad attitudes. .

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