Debts, financial karma

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

The system and education that surrounds us today, is itself from prehistory and without exaggeration, the same theory every year, all levels and it is a circle that revolves around a society that is not taught the true financial culture.

There are few projects that we have seen where this education has begun to change and apart from that they are very expensive.

Many times we are exhausted that our economy is not what we expect and we fall into a state of negativity and this is due to what has been described above, the educational system is not prepared for a true financial education and it is up to each of us to develop that knowledge.


The first thing they teach us is to have good credit and then be able to acquire debts. Debts make us that group of workers of the lender, bank or finance companies, tied to a minimum payment for an absurd amount of time ...

In quite strategic terms they manage their businesses based on a psychology, you take a loan with a term X of time and a monthly or biweekly letter, which includes interest and a minimum part for the capital, but what is your strategy?
You will receive a statement of account or an informative Email, where your minimum payment will be placed, so that it can be the first thing you see.
It means that your brain will admit that payment as your only responsibility and even if you have planned to pay a little more, you will feel good paying only the minimum knowing that you fulfilled your responsibility and that is how you will spend years paying that debt and even double what that you asked for.


This also usually happens with credit cards, after having convinced yourself to take one, you start well ... You make a purchase but the problem with these cards is that after the day of purchase it begins to generate interest and then interest on interest And so we go, if you do not pay attention to this you will reach the point of not knowing when that purchase you made was doubled, credit cards should know how to be used, if you do not have the knowledge it is better not to have them, there than reading each paragraph of those contracts that are made, because you can inadvertently sign your way to a large debt.

One of the biggest problems with acquiring debts or this type of card is the fact that when it comes time to collect your salary, you are paying everyone, except you, who was the one who worked it.

It is good that we know how to develop another income system, especially when we have made the mistake of maintaining various debts, do not sell all your time, leave a space to start creating a source that automatically generates an extra. Turn your talent into a service and offer it to others and this is how you will start to generate an extra that you can then turn into your main source of income.

There is something that we must be clear, our money problems, are not solved only with money ... Contradictory right? But you will not only solve this with money, but with creativity, you cannot continue opening a hole to close another, you must put that mind to work to close that money drain that you have.

Many today are dedicated to trading as a way of extra income, it has been one of the advantages of this new world of cryptocurrencies and it is not bad, it is a way to maintain an income, but with organization and determination, be aware that anything can happen and that you must keep a fresh mind, it is not about predicting the future, it is more about acquiring knowledge day by day and being very aware of what you are doing, of each movement you take and be patient.
Remember that each moment in the market is unique and that it is somewhat unstable there is a random distribution between winning or losing for any advantage and fear and anguish are not the best advisers.

I saw a week ago how people talked about the market in red, it was a sea of ​​emotions, people talking that it was the end of bitcoin (dramatic), that it would become one of the biggest losses, they opened the networks and that was article after article … Then I realized that they still don't understand that in this market you also win when it goes down and that it feeds on speculation. Rather, you have to seize the moment and enter now that you can, because later on knowing how to wait will be well rewarded. Meanwhile I enjoy its ups and downs, I have made gains in this bloodbath season as many tell you and I plan to continue doing so.

Returning to the issue of financial education that is so much needed throughout the world, there are things that we have not learned and they are the obstacles that we will have along the way and among these are ...

The limiting beliefs that are more than anything, what we grew up in, the culture and the traditional, which only allows us to look up to a certain point and not beyond

The attitude of living in the supposed security or stability that a well-paid job offers you in "theory", the inertia of living in conformity with being just another employee and not wanting to risk it, I know, according to you, you already have insurance ...

A house that you have not finished paying
A car that is not yours yet

So that's your security? That in the future things change, interest increases and you can no longer handle those monthly bills and since you did not put your mind into action, you only depend on that salary that no longer covers expenses.

Remember that we must try not to be merchandise, but to be our own brand.
Do not look for a new job, better search, create your source of income, do not expect others to value your knowledge, we value yourself.
Try not to borrow, rather try to be the one who lends and generates interest.

Do not waste time looking for more titles, it is better to concentrate on looking for good clients, do not give fish as they say ... Rather teach how to fish and finally do not focus on the problem, rather focus on the solution.

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