fantasizing thanks to the broken diet - Storytelling contest

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Wake up... wake up... WAKE UP!!! That scream in my head made me open my eyes and jump up from where I was laying. I took a look around and couldn't remember where I was. I tried to stay standing but 3 out of my 6 legs were too week, so I fell on the floor again. Wait, I have 6 legs? I look down and only saw 2, so why am I feeling like I have 6? donottrytothinktoohardabouthisyouwillonlygettired. I decided to try to stand again, forcing myself to look at my legs while I was doing it, and could get up easily. I think I'm getting used to this 2 legs ideia, I feel like I have been flying like this all my life. Wait, I'm flying? As soon as I think that, I hit the floor again and all my 6 legs hurt. trynottothinkabouthisifyouwanttogetout. Get out, seems like a good ideia. Look for a way out, a window, a door, a hole. There's a weird shape on the wall, just above the tall blind man. Wait, I'm not alone in here? How did I not see this man before? Why he only has 2 legs? I blink and he is gone, a door behind him. The shape of the wall is the shape of the keyhole. My fingers are in this shape too. I put my finger in the keyhole and the door opens...


It cannot be, I am in some kind of experimental laboratory ... There is the one who disappeared at the door ... I will have to approach him, I started to fly ... What else is left for me, if it is more comfortable than trying to walk and feel that I carry 6 legs, hey !! Man wait ...

Ok, you have 2 legs, which I suppose so do I, but explain to me ... because I feel like a strange thing that weighs 6 legs and obviously how it can fly? What is this? Where we are? It looks like an experiment room, I see people flying like me, with strange shapes, things on their heads, shaped like octopus, maybe I died and I'm being used as a kind of experiment, I can't think of anything else !!! And come on man, what the hell happened to my fingers, now I have the shape of keys, look at how to open the door with ease, having the keys in my own fingers, I have no problems now with forgetting the keys, if they are my own fingers , at least there something positive !!!

The man disappears again.

ok now it turns out that I am a strange being, inside who knows where and nobody listens to me or maybe they don't see me… Is that it? They don't see me

I walk trying to ignore that I feel the weight of 6 legs ... there strange beings everywhere, there one that does not walk or fly, only jumps with crazy eyes ...

No ... This has to be a dream of those that are caused by breaking that diet, I swear I will not eat again at night, I have to wake up somehow !!! Could it be that these keys in my fingers lead me to another place? I see many doors, since nobody pays attention to me, I will seek to have that I find ...

I'll open the first ...

It can't be true ... I see shadows on the walls with geometric and numerical shapes, putting together strange formulas, I think it's the dream of some frustrated mathematician, let's move on to the next one, I don't like math.

I open the next one and I find a world full of rainbows and someone with a unicorn head ... This has to be the dream of some fanatic or lover of unicorns and believe me that is not my style, I will get out of here.

I'm already understanding, I'm dreaming, but the door I opened led me to the strangers' factory, I like that hypothesis, at least I am not inside one of those dreams, where they persecute me and I know that I am sleeping and I do not see the time to wake up… I will continue to open doors, I have barely used 3 of my set of finger keys.

I opened the next door and it was an interplanetary war… I can't believe it, it's a ship in space… It has plasma cannons and the model says Mzarx500, now I think I saw it all… A ship in space !!!

Let's open one more, I'm already tired my 6 imaginary legs exhaust my back ...

Now it is a world of dogs !!! Who the hell dreams of dogs? There a fat and hairy one chasing a yellow ball, are we serious? What kind of dreams ... Although at least there is no burden with the weight of 6 legs that do not exist.

I need to wake up !!! Although it would be nice to be able to keep flying ...

I will open one more, now if I promise that one more ...

waooo I'm in a place completely full of fog, everything is calm and at the end there is a huge hole, curiosity overwhelms me, I need to go through that fog, I think that's why I can fly, right? I will take advantage of this strange moment ...

Could it be that I do it? What difference does it make, if it's a dream, right? Allaaaa I'm going !!!


Awake! Awake!

I opened my eyes and the first thing I hear is ...

Are you coming to work or to live in a world of dreams?

You take more than your rest time, you fell asleep and boy are you strange, you moved your feet as if you were kicking, your shoulders moved as if you were giving some kind of strange attack and you moved your head as if you were looking for a treasure hahahaha it was fun watching you made us good at lunch.

fence!!! I knew it had to do with something I ate ... I hope they didn't tax me, at least I already have both legs and I don't feel the enormous weight of my imaginary extra legs.

What a crazy dream, I'll keep flying with my key ring in my fingers to improve digestion ... Wait? Flying? Keys?

Can not be !!!!

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Oh, so good to read this!

I loved the fact that you put some part of the other contests, and also the ending was really good! After reading this, maybe I'll pay more attention to what I eat... hehehe

Thanks for taking part in the contest!

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