Australia part 2

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


Dare say a word out of line on social media.

And the state can legally log in to your account and change it, change your words, change your browsing history.

"Australian authorities can now LEGALLY CHANGE citizens’ social media posts."

I guess this is to stop people getting organized with protests. It does have very Orwellian overtones though does it not?
Dare speak out about government and bingo, some policeman changes your article to pro gov.
Very dangerous totalitarian route they seem to be following.

Not much more to be said really is there about that.


In the UK a few days ago.

I noted the government trying to say children could override parents permission with regards to getting the jibby jab at school. There has never in history been a time where parental consent was not required.
They can say what ever they want, but as above, the high court say they can not.

Although it is primarily about puberty blockers, it clearly states under 16's need parental consent to undergo any medical treatment. Especially one I may suggest that is "experimental."I have read through the case, it is here

Like any law case once you enter it - it leads to may sub-contexts like the Gillick case.

"Gillick's case involved a health departmental circular advising doctors on the contraception of minors (for this purpose, under 16s). The circular stated that the prescription of contraception was a matter for the doctor's discretion and that they could be prescribed to under-16s without parental consent. This matter was litigated because an activist, Victoria Gillick, ran an active campaign against the policy. Gillick sought a declaration that prescribing contraception was illegal because the doctor would commit an offence of encouraging sex with a minor and that it would be treatment without consent as consent vested in the parent; she was unsuccessful before the High Court of Justice, but succeeded in the Court of Appeal." Link =

Any parent in the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand it seems also can use the above decisions to sue governments should they choose to prick a child at school without parental consent.

Forearmed is also forewarned. (Or visa versa.)


You may think my Taliban headline was click-bait.

But it is not. Over the last 20 months of the rona clown world, have you heard a word about Syria? Have you heard a word about Yemen? In fact have you heard any war drums? I have not.

Sure there has been a few missiles sent from Israel into Syria. But nothing on the scale pre-rona.

Could you imagine the Taliban taking over in Afghanistan before the rona and nothing happening? No war, no boots on the ground?

It does seem to follow a pattern set by WEF and old anal slob with regards to ending wars.
Maybe I am wrong, maybe there will be a WW3, but at the moment it looks like wars for resources are a "thing of the past'"

If you look all the information is there.

"The opportunity"

"As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being."

Link =

WEF waffle I call it.
When we consider 1 in 2 Australians are in lock down, statistics link here

And consider the impact that shop, restaurant, hotel forced closures worldwide has caused, the constant lock downs, the loss of jobs. And if we consider this part of the above quote that was written almost 2 years ago "the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being." You then understand why I call it waffle, pure lip service, say one thing, do another. He needs to be in politics does old Anal slob.

Where is the dignity in masks, lock downs, vax passports. Where is this dignity when as I wrote yesterday, you are not allowed more than 6 beers or 1 bottle of wine in Lock down Aus.

When we also consider many people have been refused medical treatment in hospitals, many people can no longer see a GP as it is via phone like here and the UK, many children no longer attend schools and get only zoom lessons. I suggest old Klaus is talking out his arse.

I do not see it, do you? Dignity my arse.

Have a superb weekend.

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Government no longer hide under the umbrella of trying to cater for the citizen, now they are directly imposing their ideologies into their citizen in a brutal way a case is that of covid-19 vaccination

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I agree.

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"Australian authorities can now LEGALLY CHANGE citizens’ social media posts."

What am I hearing? This is totally insane and outrageous.

I just listened to the radio and it was a headline... "The government and rendering of suspicious vaccines"

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Yes in Australia anything goes it seems.

Thanks a lot for this post with quality and informative contents. I feel educated and enlightened and also inspired.

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You are welcome. The pleasure is mine.

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Yeah it's getting rather beyond belief here in Australia now😠

Same as most countries bud.

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Very true.