The UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights:
Article 3 — Human dignity and human rights:
“Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms are to be fully respected.
The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.”
what they say on paper and what they do in life are complete opposites, probably a get-out-clause somewhere in that 'declaration' otherwise it's not worth the paper it's written on. ;-)
We all have inalienable rights already, given by God the creator, which no-one can take from us. We need no written so-called human rights. Their legal-speak does not pertain to living breathing beings but only to dead corp-orations. Anything adressed to your name in all capitals is in the language of 'the dead' and is adressed to your corp-oration and not your actual living beng.
Yep I know, been researching a long time, but you can still use this document.