Using government statistics and information against them in a court of law.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


There is no better evidence of covid fraud than the government websites.

When the UK downgraded alleged convid-1984 to nothing more than an alleged cold in March last year (2020), it was published on the govern-cement website.

They still voted for the most draconian convid-1984 restrictions ever known in peace time.

Status of COVID-19

"As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs."

Government link =

Another gem from the government aligned CDC website is here.
This relates to illnesses caused by the non-vaccine they call a vaccine.

"Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease."

"Aims of the study: Patient comprehension is a critical part of meeting medical ethics standards of informed consent in study designs. The aim of the study was to determine if sufficient literature exists to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus."

"Methods used to conduct the study: Published literature was reviewed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus. Clinical trial protocols for COVID-19 vaccines were reviewed to determine if risks were properly disclosed."

"Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials."

"Conclusions drawn from the study and clinical implications: The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent."

Link =

We all know or should by now know the alleged mRNA vaccines are a clinical trial and anyone taking part should at least read that above statement.

I know of not a single person from governments to scientists promoting eating healthily.
I know of not one of them recommending exercise.
I have seen junk food restaurants left open while fresh restaurant food via restaurants were closed due to that insane prison terminology lock down.

I have seen most if not all countries that have promoted said terminology also parrot Davos, WEF, Klaus Anal Schwab terminology like "build back better".

From China to the UK to the USA the parrots in governments have all delivered their WEF speak like the bunch of brain-dead parrots they are.

I get it I truly do that Fiat money backed by nothing resorts back to nothing. History is not a fool.

I get it they want to promote global warming, wait no climate change as global warming could not be proved.

I get it they want to hold onto the monetary system for as long as possible as they have the most to lose.

I get it that those closest to the printing press have been loaned or lending the money to friends. Crony capitalism and all.

I also get it with regards to how they got the death rate up so high last March by putting the elderly that were in hospital into care homes, then leaving them abandoned and killing them by nil by mouth, morphine and midazolammed.

See post here = "PUB To Lay Charges of Mass Murder By Government Policy."

Link Below.

I have asked 8 times for the UK to provide me with proof covid has been isolated and passed Koch postulates principles.

I asked the UK gov via freedom of information 8 times, 8 times they have stated it has never been isolated or proven to exist. Let that sink in!

We via my partner asked the Polish gov and they replied "we are not at liberty to explain an event to the public." Event 201 more like.

Facebook or fakebook states when you mention this "fact" that "the virus that causes convid-1984 has been isolated" But offer no proof at all.

I have eyes, I see political lies. I do not see dead people in the street like they sold us a vision of via corrupt whore media on TV from Wuhan.

I also do not give a flying fuck about the fake laboratory in Wuhan that people like Fauci the snake-oil salesman funded, and Bill Gates for that matter.

If you can not isolate any virus, then none, not a single one exists.

Modern medicine is as corrupt as fake scientists, politicians, the monetary system, doctors (pill pushing whores) In fact they are all WHORES. Including the media that pushes any narrative that someone is willing to pay for. Just like the politician whores.

I hope one day soon the lot are tried for treason and genocide.!

Tik-Tok, case of the clap is it.

Your time is coming you frauds.

On a lighter note a lady arrived by Plane from Paris last week. She told me the French are ready to hang from a tree Macron. Good news indeed.

Have a superb week, unless you are one of the liars mentioned above.

P.S. I am sending this to every single politician in the UK. treasonous bastards the lot!

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I was chatting to someone in they're final year of a medical degree, majoring in microbiology, and the comment came that there was a reason a vaccine has never been developed for SARS. The gist of the conversation was that vaccines don't work for cold and flu viruses because of the way they attack the body. The best they can hope for is a temporary immune response, which will last for 4 to 6 months in a healthy person. For a sick or compromised person they won't even get that. Hence why they're trying out the mrna approach, to circumnavigate this. We're basically a bunch of guinea pigs.

"We're basically a bunch of guinea pigs." Indeed, and been so for over a 100 years.

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The mind programming is about a million times more dangerous than the so called virus

Fuck me I got another 7 day ban on fakebook again today.

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I challenge thee, like I did with the retards that call themselves polis-named-ticians, to prove any alleged virus exists.

Bored of these false flag wankers that live off our backs. Alleged public servants whilst serving themselves via tax, wankers never tax corporations, Davos horse mouthed, mealy mouthed over educated tossers the lot of them. Get a real job you tossers.

Going through government sites, we could gather a whole lot of evidence against them.

Treason indeed!

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We can, I do, and the time is coming soon to deal with them. TIK-TOK.

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I guess you're accumulating. I got your back on this.

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Grow some balls people!.
Stop submitting to slavery!
And end the treason!

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You totally get it :-)

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I guess I do!.
Cheers to that!

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It's a pity the citizens have to go through all the troubles. It's advisable to keep safe.

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Didn't think the lunatics would put us the people of the world in this position this fast.. Thou Hitler moved fast without the help of big tech and quantum computers, that was only one country.

You got the lunatics part tight bro

I meant right.

tight, right come down to fight.

I've screenshot, archived and downloaded lots of 'evidence'. It's yours if u want it. Did you see the Lanka speech I posted today? gave me hope, very optimistic. Tired now.

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I will check that link with an open mind later today, got tonnes to harvest today to give away. No I did not see it sorry sis from another mother tgal.

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In my own perspective the lab scientist they are the cost of this deathly disease call covid.

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Even the climate, they do something to change it. I think they are burning forests now, and throwing something from airplains on cities to create those clouds full with poison. I know that in Russia they know a way how to prevent rain, maybe they have ways to create those floods. Even the snow is possible to make somehow. So, they are using climate weapons. Just to tell us there is a problem with the climate. The nature is awesome, they are ruining it. The immune system is strong as well of people. We can fight any desease if we have a good immune system, so they are attacking our immune system by their vaccines as well. Fuck them !

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Not in disagreement with anything you said, including fuck em. :-)