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RE: ARCHON Governance and Multi-Signature - The key to POB decentralization and governance

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Amazing I loved these ideas. And I think it would be best to give a Kickstart to POB.

What is the need to segregate and choose based on Country ?

Valid point, 100% agreed, it defies the whole spirit of decentralization.

Regarding Archon Governance

Its better to replicate and reiterate what's already present and has worked, than creating something new altogether. Any solid governance plan will take a couple of months of trials and errors to come into affect and be efficient.

While we keep working on something new, its not at all a bad idea to implement this, not tomorrow but as soon as possible. Most of the chaos around is because of lack of governance, its the very first thing that needs to be sorted out and we can work on rest everything else afterwards.

I do had a few concerns, but some of them have been sorted in the comments already. Still what concerns me is -

What if the capital structure changes? It might sound unrealistic but what if a single individual holds a very significant stake that can influence. Or suppose if two people holding 25% each collaborate. These may not be the immediate risks but these are some questions we need to ask and find answers going forward with this. Does that mean anyone who have a couple hundered thousand dollar lying in their basin can overthrow the governance?

I liked this idea anyway. And I believe this should be processed asap. Some proven governance system is better than no governance system.

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