A MAN who claims to have the largest penis on the planet says his sexual conquests have included some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities.
American Jonah Falcon, 47, says numerous A-listers, including “Oscar nominees and Oscar winners”, have sought him out for sex thanks to his 13.5 inch (34cm) member.
Mr Falcon, an actor, says while film directors are too intimidated by stories about his “massive manhood” to cast him, the same tales have lured some of Hollywood’s biggest stars to his bedroom.
“It’s handicapped my acting because people won’t hire me,” he said. “It sucks. It relegates me into doing smaller parts. Maybe in the UK or Germany it might help my acting career, but here in Hollywood it’s a negative.”
You have a serious cock and tranny problem.
laughed way too hard at this
Don't say hard. Frot will think of a penis.
That sounds about right, the mere mention of a knob popping up and he's all over it.
lol that made me laugh out loud.

Swing by to the POB WOTW contest, the word this week is paradox. This story could be the meat and two veg that the contest is looking for this week.
Yes, certainly enough meat.