in Proof of Brain3 years ago



From the moment we are born, each one of us experiences different changes in our thoughts, interpretations, feelings and behaviors, which give rise to our way of being today, to our own style, which identifies or defines us in front of our peers.

It is important to have ideals to follow, values, principles, "maxims" of life and goals or dreams to fulfill, but it is even more important to ensure that your character, your attitude and your behavior remain constant over time and in tune with what you preach from your thoughts and ideas.

When we always behave in the same way, when we establish patterns for doing things (what we commonly call habits) and have similar reactions or responses to different situations, we become people who generate confidence, credibility, stability and security. This in no way means that we are boring: we can be authentic and surprising at any time, maintaining our essence and being true to what we believe in.

The relationship of constant coherence that exists between what we think and what we do, between thought and action, that is consistency. We show others what they can expect from you and it allows us to establish healthy and productive relationships. Let's take for example the case of couples: If you have a partner who is more or less constant in their reactions, you can feel confident which will give you a stable, solid and lasting relationship. If, on the other hand, he/she is unpredictable in his/her behavior, the situation changes: the relationship becomes volatile, unstable and insecure.

However, the fact that we are consistent does not mean that we cannot change the way we are or act. Although it is not easy, we all have the ability to self-evaluate, and to make the adjustments we deem necessary to achieve success and a full and satisfying life. Being consistent does not mean that we are perfect, but that we have well determined what we want, what is important to us and we work according to it and at the same time we develop the agility to change when necessary.

This is why I think that consistency is intrinsically related to constancy and persistence, to discipline, and to the self-esteem of each one of us.
If we can be consistent we can achieve many goals and experience the satisfaction that this produces. Nothing is achieved overnight. Success requires effort, patience and dedication.

What can help us to be consistent?

  • Be continuous and constant in our actions, do it again and again (habits), persist, persist, persist, persist.

  • To have commitment and a plan with a beginning and an end,

  • Doing every day, no matter if it is a little or a lot, by the time we realize it, we will have achieved or will be very close to our goal.

  • Doing "in spite of": in spite of a bad day, in spite of being sad, in spite of being tired, etc.

  • Finish what you start, do not leave anything forgotten or unfinished.

  • Be sincere and honest; say clearly what we think, what we want or where we are going. This will allow others to know us and will generate trust.

  • Do not say one thing and do another, do not fall into contradictions that cause doubts in others.

If we have dreams and goals to fulfill we must try to be consistent, insist, not abandon them; we have to work to create solid foundations on which we can maintain them with a lot of constancy and love, with strength and honesty, with perseverance and patience even though it seems that things are not moving forward.

Consistency brings us well-being, solidity, harmony with people and society, and helps us to achieve our goals in a sustained and lasting way over time, helping us to realize that we can do whatever we want as long as we want to do it...the main motivation and strength lies within ourselves.

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source Edited in Fotor Graphic Designer




Desde que nacemos cada uno de nosotros experimenta diferentes cambios en cuanto a pensamientos, interpretación, sentimientos y comportamientos, lo que da lugar a nuestra forma de ser hoy, a nuestro estilo propio, lo que nos identifica o nos define delante de nuestros semejantes.

Es significativo tener ideales que seguir, valores, principios, "máximas" de vida y metas o sueños trazados por cumplir, pero es más importante aún lograr que tu carácter, que tu actitud y tu comportamiento se mantengan constantes en el tiempo y en sintonía con lo que predicas desde tus pensamientos e ideas.

Cuando nos comportamos de una misma forma siempre, cuando establecemos patrones para hacer las cosas (lo que comúnmente llamamos hábitos) y tenemos reacciones o respuestas similares a situaciones diferentes, nos convertimos en personas que generan confianza, credibilidad, estabilidad, seguridad. Esto en modo alguno quiere decir que seamos aburridos: podemos ser auténticos y sorprendentes en cualquier momento, manteniendo nuestra esencia y siendo fieles a lo que creemos.

La relación de coherencia constante que existe entre lo que pensamos y lo que hacemos, entre pensamiento y acción, eso es consistencia. Mostramos a los demás lo que pueden esperar de ti y nos permite establecer relaciones sanas y productivas. Pongamos por ejemplo el caso de las parejas: Si tienes una pareja que es mas o menos constante en sus reacciones, puedes sentir confianza lo que te dará una relación estable, sólida y duradera. Si por el contrario, es impredecible en su modo de actuar, la situación cambia: la relación se torna volátil, inestable e insegura.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que seamos consistentes no quiere decir que no podamos cambiar en nuestra forma de ser o actuar. Aunque no es nada fácil, todos tenemos la capacidad de autoevaluarnos, y de realizar los ajustes que consideremos necesarios para alcanzar el éxito y una vida plena y satisfactoria. Ser consistentes no es que seamos perfectos, sino que tengamos bien determinado lo que queremos, lo que es importante para nosotros y trabajemos en función de ello y a la vez desarrollemos la agilidad para cambiar cuando sea necesario.

Es por esto que pienso que la consistencia está intrínsecamente relacionada a la constancia y la persistencia, a la disciplina, y al autoestima de cada uno de nosotros.
Si logramos ser consistentes podemos alcanzar muchas metas y experimentar la satisfacción que esto produce. Nada se logra de la noche a la mañana. El éxito requiere esfuerzo, paciencia y dedicación.

Que nos puede ayudar a ser consistentes?

  • Ser contínuos y constantes en nuestras acciones, hacer una y otra vez (hábitos), persistir, persistir, persistir.

  • Tener compromiso y un plan establecido con principio y fin,

  • Hacer todos los dias no importa si es poquito o mucho, cuando nos demos cuenta, ya habremos logrado o estaremos muy cerca de nuestro objetivo.

  • Hacer a "pesar de": a pesar de un mal dia, a pesar de estar triste, a pesar de estar cansado, etc.

  • Terminar lo que empieces, no dejemos nada olvidado o inconcluso.

  • Ser sinceros y honestos; decir claramente lo que pensamos, lo que queremos o a donde vamos. Esto le permitirá a los demás conocernos y generará confianza.

  • No digas una cosa y hagas otra, no caigas en contradicciones que provoquen dudas en los demás.

Si tenemos sueños y metas que cumplir debemos procurar ser consistentes, insistir, no abandonarlos; tenemos que trabajar para crear bases sólidas en los cuales se puedan mantener con mucha constancia y amor, con fortaleza y honestidad, con perseverancia y paciencia a pesar de que parezca que las cosas no avanzan.

La consistencia nos aporta bienestar, solidez, armonía con las personas y la sociedad, y nos ayuda a alcanzar nuestros objetivos de una manera sostenida y duradera en el tiempo, ayudandonos a darnos cuenta que podemos hacer lo que querramos siempre y cuando querramos principal motivación y fuerza se encuentra dentro de uno mismo.

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source Edited in Fotor Graphic Designer



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Consistency is one of the words that is the most important for your success in any job that you are doing... If you want to be a successful content creator here on HIVE, you should be consistent and do that every single day... If you can't create posts, at least you should comment and engage with people here...

Awesome post! Thanks for sharing!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

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This is what I try to do when I can't sit down to write because of my offline work activity.

Thank you for considering this post a good read and for including it in your next post.

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Indeed, our character, attitude and behavior needs to be consistent overtime to achieve overall consistency in our actions and eventually life.

the fact that we are consistent does not mean that we cannot change the way we are or act.

So true, consistency means to take action in a direction to pursue the predefined goals. The kind of action and its intensity may always change according to the need of the hours.

All the very best for word of the week challenge.

Keep Hiving & Showering Love

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So true, consistency means to take action in a direction to pursue the predefined goals. The kind of action and its intensity may always change according to the need of the hours.

Right, that's why I say that we must have the agility to make changes when we need to because we have no control over what happens around us. This does not mean that we are going to move away from our goal, but that we take corrections that will allow us to get there in a more productive way. When we have well established who we are and where we want to go, nothing stops us.

All the very best for word of the week challenge

😀😁😉 I participate because it is one of the best challenges I have found in Hive. It gives me a lot of satisfaction when I post and express my point of view and find common ground with other people and that makes me feel like I'm in the right place. If I win a prize, that would be great, but the real gain I already have and that is unparalleled and unquantifiable...this exchange between us is part of that gain.

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When we have well established who we are and where we want to go, nothing stops us.

You have concluded it very beautifully again. And I am glad to know your motivations behind taking part in contests and challenges. The people who carry such zeal and passion for true connection definitely deserve to win. I write because I love it and I want that people read, I want to get acknowledged. And also because I want to a better writer.

Though I claim to love writing, I am ashamed to say that I don’t think I would write if no one would read. I don’t posses that kind of humility. And I am grateful to Hive for providing me an opportunity to get my work out and acknowledged.

Thanks for sharing your viewpoint 🙏
Keep up the amazing work
Best Wishes

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The people who carry such zeal and passion for true connection definitely deserve to win
Totally valid: every effort must be recognized.

I believe that a good number of us here want to be better in everything, to grow, to learn and to give.

And I am grateful to Hive for providing me an opportunity to get my work out and acknowledged.

It is definitely a good opportunity that HIVE gives us. I totally agree with you and we must take advantage of it to improve a little more every day.

Success and recognition for you too!😁😉
Thanks for reading and commenting!

self motivation is a good way motivation for someone,a paramount factor which is needed to help the desire in people for performing and carrying out their best at work and various level of is a paramount factor in a person’s life because it helps them see things in a more positive and good way, also it enable this set of individuals to overcome challenges by having an attitude or character that can stand difficulties challenges and failures.

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self motivation is a good way motivation for someone,a paramount factor which is needed to help the desire in people for performing and carrying out their best at work and various level of duty

Of course. Motivation must first come from oneself to be able to motivate others, and that is when we can become an example to follow. If I don't believe in what I am and what I want, I can hardly get someone else to do it.

also it enable this set of individuals to overcome challenges by having an attitude or character that can stand difficulties challenges and failures.
Teamwork is one of the best tools to achieve a goal, and I am not only referring to people who are coworkers, but to our family, our friends, our society. And as every team has a leader, the one who fulfills that role must be consistent, disciplined, persistent and believe in what they do and where they are going... they will have drawbacks? Of course they will! But that only makes the road more interesting.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Some people are consistent with keeping up with the WOTW contest.

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Yes. It is one of the best initiatives. I discovered it in your week 08 and I'm sorry I missed the last two weeks, but here we go ...

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Great read! Engaging and well-written.

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🤣🤣🤣 Oh my God...How did you do that? I want to do it with a picture I have over there....

Great read! Engaging and well-written.

This coming from the creator of the initiative is motivation to keep learning to do my best, especially since ALL the participating posts in this and previous weeks are so good.
Thanks for your comments!

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Excellent insight. If we are consistent in our behavior (Thoughts, words, and actions) our social relationships are more stable. Never thought about this is this light, but it is so true, Thanks.

Good Luck in the contest!

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We are all different and each of us must seek inner balance. Consistency is part of that balance.
You have two friends:

  • Friend 1: says he will arrive early every day to help you prepare for a project. He shows up mid-morning, collaborates for an hour and leaves.
  • Friend 2: also tells you the same thing: he arrives at 7:00 a.m., works with you for several hours, and finishes the job.
    Which one do you trust, which one has credibility, which one do you think could be more successful, which one offers you more security as a partner?
    If you chose the friend I believe in, you are sure to have a more harmonious and lasting friendship, and surrounding yourself with consistent people will help you achieve your inner balance, which will benefit your social relationships and your performance in society. This is one of the benefits of consistency.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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You are right

Our words, character, and actions must be consistent

We should not be caught saying one thing and doing the opposite

That will only soil our names and reputation

We should be sincere and integrity should be found among us

But if we continue living a particular lifestyle and it is not improving or giving the desire result, self-evaluation should be considered , and tweaks should be made

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One of the best qualities of human beings is their ability to evolve, to adapt.
I have values, I have a goal, I draw a plan, I take action every day, and along the way I encounter stumbling blocks. Should I give up? Should I not change my objective? Not necessarily. Then, should I change what I believe in? Not necessarily. What I have to do is to develop the agility to make changes that do not structurally affect the thinking-doing relationship (my essence), adapting myself to the circumstances that in the end will allow me to reach my objective.
And definitely our consistency allows us to gain the trust, respect and credibility of others. Let's not forget that society rewards these values.

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I am very inconsistent.

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Inconsistent...experimental...hahahaha...I read it somewhere!😁

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Wow this is so detailed about what consistency really is and I agree with you totally.

We just have to persist continously and not leave things forgotten or unfinished.

I've read a lot about consistency but your point of view is unique and I love it.

All the best dear

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We just have to persist continously and not leave things forgotten or unfinished.

And this is a mistake that we make over and over again in our life. I have done it myself ...

It's good that you like my point of view.

Thanks for comment!