Constructive Questioning and sound Judgement

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Designed with Canva

God is known to be Omni-science, Omni-potent and Omni-present. This qualifications are undoubtedly true but yet His humility are equally unmatchable.

His presence was ever-present while the first man He created sinned. His Omni-sciency reveals that He knew all that has happened in the garden (Gen 3:8-11) but yet, He still choose to ask them what has happened. From this point, series of questions began to come to my mind and here are few of them:

  1. Am I all knowing?

  2. How quick am I to pass judgement even with my limited knowledge?

  3. Are my judgements born out of love and offers solution?

  4. Am I all knowing:
    We human has limited knowledge which suggest we are not mind readers neither do we know what is going on in the heart of another. This quality that we do not possess I believe should teach the path of patience to always search out to know what the other person has to say in every given situation. God knowing all that has happened in the garden was too patient enough to listen to their own version of the story. Whatever our depth of pain maybe at a given time we must learn to be patient enough to hear others out.

  5. How quick am I to pass judgement even with my limited knowledge:
    This second point stands to be our action whenever we fail at the first point. Failure to acknowledge our limitation in the possession of knowledge, we often fall victim of passing judgement based on assumptions which has led to many broken relationship out there in the world.

  6. Are my judgements born out of love and offers solution:
    It is obvious that our judgement as humans are often to condemn another person. It is true that the offender has crossed their set boundaries but often, we failed to offer the forgiveness we will actually seek for if we were the offender. Between verse 8-15 of Genesis 3, you will notice that God has started offering solution to their wrongs. We must grow to the point where we must begin to offer what will we will love to be offered. There is no better love we can offer to the world than viewing it from the lens of kindness.