we should feel freedom in life. and we should get the meaning of freedom.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

true freedom is a form of hope in every living being. both humans and animals, when we have that freedom we will realize that actually life will be meaningless if freedom does not accompany it.
freedem in live

as long as the freedom we want does not harm others we have the right to have it, we are free to express opinions, free to express and free to display our skills. if we can explore ourselves without any limits I believe we can be more than we want and we imagined so far.

but what I feel now freedom in life is something that can be said to be difficult to obtain. many things that unwittingly erode the meaning of freedom in today's life. freedom of expression, for example.
when we criticize the government, it is our freedom, our right, but in fact they oppose it under the pretext that we are against sovereignty, if we look at the initial concept we only express opinions because what we see is not appropriate, we only give criticism not against but all say otherwise we are constrained by rules that actually keep us locked up. What I say is only a small part of the things that undermine the true meaning of freedom of life.

no matter how good the bird cage and the variety of delicious food in it will not be commensurate with the wide open nature, if these two things are compared between a good cage and the food available in it and a nature free birds will choose to fly freely wherever he likes.
When fish are made beautiful aquariums and the food available in them, fish will choose to swim in the ocean and enjoy every food available in the vast ocean.

this is an innate picture that freedom cannot be measured. although rules and regulations are made, but basically freedom is a science from within. we can choose where we will feel comfortable and we will be ourselves if our thinking is not limited by other people.

when you think life like this is hard to have, then unconsciously your freedom is limited. like birds in a cage and fish in a pond. you will never know what kind of life you really want and you will not be yourself because the freedom within you has been closed.

make freedom for yourself, start to open yourself up and make something that you think is extraordinary without any pressure from any party, be an independent self where your every wish only you can carry it out.
if all the things you want have been achieved then you will feel true freedom.

there are still many people who have not felt the meaning of freedom in their lives. maybe a lot of things that affect it. perhaps the rules, policies, and powers of the government are the biggest factors in influencing it. we do not get to choose where we are born and in which country we are. but wherever we are, we should feel the freedom of life.

because life and freedom are one element to achieve perfection. keep the spirit of life and keep fighting for your freedom of expression. because your life determines and life is a choice.

Posted via proofofbrain.io