Some might have noticed my silence . My absence from regular posting in art or writing . Well , i noticed it to , so may i let my silence speak . Or simply explain the state i am in .
Health ? mucus filled lung's , fighting flu like tiredness sleeping 16 out of 24 hours . Let's skip that , working on it , thank Innana for summer (, not for stealing the plant ;-) . ) . Nope this shit goes deeper , i have entered the dark void . It could be that a lonely live and a broken heart drove me in to this void , this silent place . But no , the world as it is today made me question and enter this realm on free will . I had nothing to loose but my sanity .
I placed my mind and soul in to all possible narratives that roam the earth , where i went far in to dark evil solution's and agenda's . Where i found good working for evil and evil working for good . How the dark evil void just went void to me , empty space , silence true a awkward balance .
This void has no energy to create from , gives no meaning to life , endless emptiness like the walls from a box . I denied my creator and his little helper to . The path i am on is empty and new . May my righteous spirit guide me . Blind i go on , looking back makes it worse .
Looking back from the void , like looking at all ongoing human shenanigans , makes the dark side pull more on me . So don't ever hand me a powerful weapon to make half of you all disappear , i might use it . I don't know for sure and would probably take years before ill use it , because the dark side has strange ways .
Anyways , this is reasons for my silence , i am stuck in the void , hibernating in nothing , on my own . It could be helpful to have a text analyzing wizard look at my rambling . I see the broken heart to , yes , one loved me and left me for it , two owned me mental for years by erasing my existence after 26 of them .
Yeah get over it , i know ,..... fuck that , ... let me fade away in to this nice void .... let me go ... let me free .
Source : youtube music ,.... the vid's where base inspiration to this post .
Note to analyzing readers , please find a shovel and hit me like one would hit a electrician stuck on a life wire . ,....... Wubalubadubdub . Starting to get used to this void ,... Hell can turn purple here if it want's to .
Nothing more to add , sorry for disappointing any follow that checked out my works ,.. nothing new here . Where i do can redirect you to some greater entertainment here on Hive . .... Hive ? .. oops sorry ,.. POB this is . Well what ever , @lucylin , @frot , @angryman make way better content then i can come up with . ;-)
Hello !.... helllo .... anyone there ? ....
........... hello ....
Took a hundred pictures the last days , in some try to capture a sign .
looking for some perfect composition or view , but i got nothing .
Or is this one the sign i was looking for ?
So i wonder , do sun-cycles influence our creativity ?
That is amazing picture! Taking photographs can be good therapy. At least it gets you out of the house. Interesting that that barn says RUN. Would be kind of scary to reach it at night and then shine a flashlight on it, to see the word "RUN".
Probably. I just had to Google, to realize that it's a 11 year cycle, wow!
P.S. I am not sure if you are already familiar with his work, but you might want to follow and check out @drrune 's Rune reading posts.
Groeten uit Portugal en hou je taai!
Hang in there, hell is never purple!
I see colors .
Where red is evil and blue is good , what is purple then ?
Red with good intentions or blue on a death streak ?
Here have some terrible sounds ,... you might see colors to someday ,...
Like yellow or green , both very present in the world today . ;-)
Hope you get well soon man 🙏
And a bit more positivity helps a ton ;)
Namaste ✌️
Thanks for your good wish , means more then i might admit .
And yeah i know , bin sucking up all negative energy in a desperate attempt to burn it away , overpower it with positivism . In the end it burned me down more then i bargained for . But he' we can't all live forever , now can we ? ;-)
But serious , Hive is a fractal , Hive has become the void .
Could have made this comparison more clear , but did not feel like or wanted to . ;-)
OMG ! again and again ,... there is no escape you tell me ?
And why is the rabbit wearing kings clothes ?
Oh wise one , you gave so many answers in this comment , it will take me days to decipher team all . ;-)
Relatable vibes, I've been in that place before. "Numb" is how I'd describe it for myself.
Ummm.. soldier on? I think that's the appropriate turn of phrase. Plenty to learn in the dark, just don't hang around for too long.
Thanks for the reply . Bought myself a new weapon yesterday , on a hunch , i am just staring at it now , wondering ,... why did i buy this ? What is it , what can it do ? ,... can i capture this void ? What sign did i follow ?
I guess it tell's me to move my ass , for there's nothing in this room to picture . Get out , take a walk true nature , barefoot if possible .
Capture some action shot's from buzzing bugs or wildlife , return to the city and do the same . So yeah soldier on comes very close . To fight this void , to fight it from inside , without some red-cross nurse to patch me up sometimes , is exhausting , just exhausting .
Right there with you. I call it losing my mojo. That camera is speaking to you, telling you to get out and use it. Take pics or whatever you are drawn to. It might work. Take pics and show us what you get. I feel from your perpective you might come up with some cool stuff.
Thanks , and can say , i got the apparatus working ,... it has manual adjustment focus and stuff ,.. so now i control what is blurred ot not . Did touch this test picture with Gimp to get more accurate colors and compressed it to 1mb to fit easy upload .
Now where do i find some bush to hide in for some awkward royal pictures ?
Hahahaha brilliant, I hope this gives you some focus and cheers ya up, I look forward to seeing ur efforts.