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RE: POB, some questions and concerns

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

And they always DV 100% or at least take it to zero .
Mostly there one DV against 40 - 60 or more up-votes .
Whales might balance that a bit better , instead of showing such emotion from there side .
Emotional unstable whales do no good to any platform , especially when the only purpose they can see is profit . Not caring for the whole Social part other then to play it and oppress it for more personal gain where views that scare them are there main focus .

Really nothing new , we have bin doing this for ages ,... and somehow this ages old discussion came back to life in a second layer structure on some small social media platform called Proof Of Brain ... #POB .

Interesting at least ;-)

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Downvoting is a problem. In my post I don't take sides because I see nice content being downvoted by some people just because the post don't follow the rules that the people who downvoted preach...

Downvote is a messy thing...

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