I myself never cheated in online gaming and learned my kids to always play fair .
I was a HL 2 top player ones , where i played on private servers all kind of games with my kids .
For fun , and to learn them about fair play ,... and skill's . ,.. like , respect skill's that others have to .
Clip is me "Target" playing catch with my then 12 year old son as "Small Axe" .....
Now 9 years later ,... the song stands still even more true as when i posted it .
The one dislike tells a whole story ,.. kept well hidden .
But i wish you more luck and wisdom in your life , like finding a good girl in church and stuff first . :-)
Hahaha 😅
Cool! And thanks for the good wishes 😂😂 So you know about my shit, damn!😅
People with a sense of humor are hard to find these days ,.. good jokes carry far as a logic result on that . keep up your funny stuff m8 . :-)
Thanks a lot, man! Means a lot 🙏