Ok , 30% very pissed of people ,... injected and knowing they will die soon .
May i add that this 30% is so scared of death that they will follow orders from anyone offering a solution , false or not . Any aggression coming from them would be against the ones that made and distributed the shot's .
It can't be that global gov's had this in mind , so there's more , some kind of mind-control to make the injected attack the non-injected . I wonder what will happen when the injected goo starts to pas the brain-blood-barrier ? Is it true that this goo is a magnetic-liquid , if so , 5G could heat it up , change it's working , and create raging zombies .
Nice to finally see someone to address this topic a bit . I am virtually trained for a zombie apocalypse , seen all movies , played all games . Even watch the terrible bad movie Cosmic Sin , where it's aliens that turn humans in to zombies of some sort . Worse movie ever , but i had to watch it for the mostly hidden info from our Elite evil overlords .
Yep , our so called leaders will blame it on aliens , Probably to keep regions without 5G from attacking there controlling systems like local bought up governments .
Did i just imagine things , or did life really turn in to some bad scifi B movie ?
Well just look at our world leaders , they have B movie written all over them . ;-)
Did i just imagine things , or did life really turn in to some bad scifi B movie ?
lol - i think it's more of case of 'the slowly boiling frog' scenario (for a hundred years or so), ...and then having the heat quickly turned up over this last 10 years ...
Why now ?...is the question.
I think it's because 'they' are desperate - otherwise there'd no logical reason for them to turn the heat up....
There flailing attempts to push there agenda scream louder with every ramping up of the insanity...
'Darkest before the dawn' matey, darkest before the dawn....
But why are they desperate ? playing it slow like they did for ages could have bin going on for way longer . Something scared the fuck out of them , something big .
Such a happy song ,.. such a dark message , if you know it's maker . ;-)