Continuity of Ilara mokin Yam festival to pob

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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The night ritual are of three type where we have (Agogo, greetings to our priest house, and carrying the deity around the town).
To perform the Agogo oloye part, the upper area knows as Oke adura will have to meet the lower area's also called Oke ode, Ereja, Odo igbeyin Ogon imoke oloti. This areas will join hand's together to perform the ritual which will take place around the Okeruku Hall. The upper area will come with a different deity to the place where they will perform the ritual they must be a total darkness even they give no room to mobile touch light, if you try it and you are warn that means you are lucky they don't brake your phone like you met will the nice guys.

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After announcing that there should be total darkness they will then proceed with the ritual as usual, but there is this question I ask my grandma why don't the upper area perform there rituals at there vicinity alone why coming down there. My grandma told me they can't because they have a tree that they must be present at the right time by the tree to perform the ritual with the help of the lower area's because they believe they are one big family....the tree is kind of strange it does not change color from white ever since have been seeing the tree the growth does not change it stem and leaf's don't increase.


The person carrying the deity will dress up in a white raper with palm leafs around his waist they there will be this guy holding a local olden days pot with water inside in he will hold palm leafs also at the other hand putting the palm leafs inside the water in the pot and he will begin to sprinkle it around... They will say certain things I don't understand only God knows, then they will depart to there various house's... To celebrate more... 3

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